Monday, April 9, 2018

Percy Fawcett For Monday Mystery...!

How about we do a real life mystery about someone who actually existed? Someone like Percy Fawcett?

The story of Fawcett has been a mystery lovers dream case for a very long time. His story is one of many that still linger around the Amazon even today!

Percy Fawcett

Percy Fawcett was a British archaeologist and the inspiration for Indiana Jones. In 1925 Fawcett, his eldest son Jack and Raleigh Rimell set off deep into the Amazon to find a mythical lost city Fawcett named “Z”. They never returned. They were last reported crossing the Upper Xingu River, a southeastern tributary of the Amazon. It is assumed the trio was either killed by natives or simply succumbed to the elements. Wilder theories have Fawcett going mad and living out his days as the crazed chieftain of a tribe of cannibals! In 1927, one of Fawcett’s nameplates was found by locals and in 1933 a compass, of the type used by Fawcett, was found by Colonel Aniceto Botelho.

Over 100 people have died on numerous expeditions to discover the fate of Fawcett and his companions. A set of bones, thought to be Fawcett’s, were discovered in 1951. However, DNA testing proved they were not. The ultimate fate of Fawcett, his son and Rimell, will probably never be known.

As you probably can guess, I got this article from the folks at Listverse.

Coffee inside again this morning. Still rainy and a bit chilly out on the patio.


  1. lot of cannibals in those parts, they say.

  2. Another story we will most likely never know the answer to...SNOWING here this morning...again 😢

  3. Another good mystery for this morning. I am betting on the cannibals having them for a few meals. Snowing here again this morning.

  4. Hey Deborah...
    Seems like I heard that as well.
    Thanks for stopping over today!

    Hey Mamahen...
    I'm afraid that you are right about that. Sorry to hear about the snow.
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    That seems to be the most popular theory so far.
    Thanks for the visit this morning.

  5. So many have gone missing on these expeditions and never a clue as to what may have happened.

    Chilly here to this morning but heading for 90 later on. Kitchen it is

  6. People heading off to be never heard from again is part of the old west too. Well according to Louis L'Amour books... that's good enough for me :-)

  7. He and his son (and some of his seekers) probably got "et."

  8. And you did it again, another great mystery that will probably never get solved for sure. Yep, you got me wondering. . .

  9. Never knew there was a real life pattern for old Indy, Bubba. You do come up with the best stuff!

    Big Hugs ~

  10. Hey Jo...
    So many folks have gone missing, it does make you wonder.
    Thanks, dear, for dropping in today!

    Hey Rob...
    I reckon it can happen anywhere, even today.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I try and keep you wondering a bit, ya know?
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Sis...
    Always nice to find something new for ya. Welcome back!
    Thanks for coming over today!
