Monday, May 14, 2018

A Very OLD Mystery...!

From our earliest history, we seem to have been fighting and killing one another almost without pause.

To prove my point, here is a mystery from Listverse that tells of deadly attack from 1,500 years ago. I guess the hunter/gatherers in this case didn't fair that well.

Prodigal Sons
A.D. 500

In 1964, a farmer discovered the remains of three men in a pit grave on the flood pain of Sacramento River. They had died about 1,500 years ago, and all showed signs of extreme physical trauma. One victim had seven arrows embedded in his ribs. Obsidian blades were still lodged in the spines of the other two. This was not a proper burial. Their bodies were splayed out chaotically. There were no grave goods. Experts believe that 560 years ago, central California was a war zone marked by violent territorial battles. Fractured skulls, broken bones, and trophies made of human remains fill the archaeological record from this period.

Isotope analysis of their teeth revealed that the prodigal sons were born and raised locally, but had spent most of their adult life elsewhere—north of the Sacramento River, suggesting that hunter-gatherers had been even more mobile than previously thought. Why had the prodigal sons returned home? And who was waiting for them?

Appears to me that war is just part of the human make-up...and that's pretty sad.

Coffee out on the patio this morning. I have to tell ya, however, it's likely to start getting hot earlier and earlier.


  1. I'm constantly amazed at the cruelty of mankind toward one another...I will see you for an early morning patio visit:))

  2. I just don't think mankind will ever stop fighting each other. Seems we have been fighting each other since time began. It has been raining here for 3 days now. Ducks are back swimming in my backyard. I have been fluctuating between the A/C and the heat. Life in WI. I'll be over early to avoid the heat; just let me find my umbrella.

  3. Do you ever wonder if we were put here as an experiment and that it is going badly? Getting hot here, too.

  4. Hey Mamahen...
    I know what you mean. Seems as though it never ends.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    I have to think you are right about that.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Now that is an idea that I haven't thought of, but I think you may have something there!
    Many thanks for the visit this morning!

  5. It seems that with more knowledge we would be more civilized now and stop this killing of each other. But as long as hate is also part of out training in life it will never end.

    See you all on the patio

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