Friday, May 4, 2018

Justice In Action...!

I found this article at Listverse just in time for freaky Friday's post. I figured this one certainly qualified.

Using The Toilet

If your diet is less than ideal, it might already feel like every trip to the commode leaves you with injuries. But even your worst struggle with the porcelain throne pales in comparison to what happened to Michael Anderson Godwin in 1989.

An inmate in South Carolina, Godwin was multitasking by taking care of business and fiddling with the wires on earphones connected to his cell’s television set. As he sat on the metal throne, he bit into the wire, which sent a strong current through his body and electrocuted him to death.

Ironically, the convicted murderer had won an appeal to reduce his sentence from death to life without parole.

I'm thinking that just maybe a higher power had a hand in making things turn out in the way they did. Could be wrong, but the again I could be right!

Coffee out on the patio again today. Temps are getting close to the 90 mark.


  1. I just don't even know what to say about that, other than, yes you could be right. We finally have some summer like temps here also. I sure miss "spring". How about some cool fruit salad this morning?

  2. I have a feeling you are right about the higher power having a hand in this one. We have had rain here for the last 3 days. Temps went from winter to summer back to spring all in one week. As they say "that is life in WI". Have a great weekend. Thank you Mamahen for the wonderful fruit salad.

  3. Hey Mamahen...
    Fruit salad sounds very refreshing this morning. Think I'll have some.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    I know what you mean about the weather bouncing all over. It's crazy this year.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Boy, you got that right!
    Thanks for the visit today!

  4. I think he got his just reward.

    We are headed into triple digits by tomorrow =( not happy about this. See you on the patio

  5. A convicted killer sitting on a metal crapper with a tv power cord in his mouth ...
    There is only one lesson learned from all this, TV is dangerous! :-)
