Monday, May 7, 2018

Mad Barber Mystery..!

Isn't it strange how we always seem to assign some crazy names to people that are a mystery?

Sometimes the names seem to fit and sometimes they don't. This is one case where I do believe the name fits all too well.

The Phantom Barber

Photo Credit: Ronny Robinson / Flickr (CC)

This incredibly strange rash of crimes occurred over two months in 1942 in the small town of Pascagoula, Mississippi. Someone was creeping into people’s homes and cutting off locks of hair from the sleeping residents.

The Phantom Barber never hurt or killed his victims and didn’t steal anything except the hair. Regardless, and understandably, citizens were on edge. Eventually, a man named William Dolan was arrested. He was convicted for attempted murder in another case, but never for the Phantom Barber’s crimes—which a lie detector test cleared him of in 1951. Today, it’s unclear if Dolan committed any of the crimes, let alone the Phantom Barber's. The shearing sneak could still be out there.

The idea of someone coming into my house undetected and taking just a lock of hair from anyone there is beyond creepy to me. Guess I need to get a dog!

Coffee out on the patio this morning, where it's reaching the low 90s.


  1. That's really creepy. I would think if someone where clipping a lock of hair from me, I would know it. something to ponder as we enjoy the patio this morning:))

  2. Wonder if the person was using the human hair as animal deterrent in their garden? That would creep me out as well; just having a stranger my house and me not knowing it. We'll have to discuss as we have coffee with you this morning. Sun is up and shining here.

  3. Hey Mamahen...
    It does seem as though the act of clipping hair would wake folks up, but who knows for sure?Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    I agree that a stranger in the house without permission would be strange. Creepy, in fact!
    Thanks for coming by this morning!

  4. My little cat would deter anyone coming in. If it were another cat, that is. Didn't realize she had such a lout meow.

  5. I go along with everyone else as it being creepy, how could you not know someone is cutting off some of your hair. I guess their the ones who died when they awoke to this creep.

    Your temps sound better than our triple digits so patio it is.

  6. Hey Momlady...
    They can make a disportionate amount of noise for their size! Even thew small ones can be very loud, that's for sure.
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Jo...
    Just thinking about it should be enough to creep us all out.
    Thanks dear, for dropping by this morning!
