Saturday, June 30, 2018

Another Maritime Mystery...!

I don't know about you, but I never get tired of hearing all the haunting tales of maritime mysteries. Here is one that isn't really all that old.

The High Aim 6

The High Aim 6 was a Chinese ship that left the port of Taiwan back in October 2002. It was located in January 2003 near Australia, without any of its crew onboard. For a while, the mystery was why it was abandoned in the first place; it was stocked with food, was in good condition, and wasn’t smuggling immigrants.

The High Aim 6 made news again when a single remaining crew member was located. It was only then that it got some sort of story: The rest of the crew had murdered the ship’s captain and engineer then left to go back to their homeland. The reasons behind the murders or the locations of the criminals are both unknown.

At least we have a small part of the story, but I'm sure that there is much more to be told.

Coffee inside the kitchen this morning. A major dust storm all the way from Africa is giving us a fit here in Houston.


  1. Sounds like his story left almost as many questions as answers...A dust storm from Africa? Has that happened before? Inside it is for sure.

  2. Hey Mamahen...
    I think this has happened before. The dust is so thick it is visible on radar. Crazy stuff, for sure!
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    The crazy thing has had to cross 5000 miles to get into the Gulf of Mexico. It actually looks like fog, making the air play havoc on folks with allergies. Gonna be worse tomorrow, I understand.
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

  3. Another good mystery with this ship. I do remember it reaching the news with no questions answered or they are hiding something.

    Dust storm from Africa! My goodness that is a long way from home. Yes staying indoors with the A/C is the best way around that. Decent morning here so opened the windows and door for awhile to circulate the air some.

  4. Hey Jo...
    Gonna play heck with the folks that have breathing problems. Luckily I don't.
    Thanks for dropping by today, dear!
