Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Bravery Of Sitting Bull...!

We have all heard the many stories that involve Sitting Bull, I'm sure. This one, from talks of his bravery during a battle.

Sitting Bull was credited with several legendary acts of bravery.

Sitting Bull was renowned for his skill in close quarters fighting and collected several red feathers representing wounds sustained in battle. As word of his exploits spread, his fellow warriors took to yelling, “Sitting Bull, I am he!” to intimidate their enemies during combat. The most stunning display of his courage came in 1872, when the Sioux clashed with the U.S. Army during a campaign to block construction of the Northern Pacific Railroad. As a symbol of his contempt for the soldiers, the middle-aged chief strolled out into the open and took a seat in front of their lines. Inviting several others to join him, he proceeded to have a long, leisurely smoke from his tobacco pipe, all the while ignoring the hail of bullets whizzing by his head. Upon finishing his pipe, Siting Bull carefully cleaned it and then walked off, still seemingly oblivious to the gunfire around him. His nephew White Bull would later call the act of defiance “the bravest deed possible.”

I'm not sure if this speaks to his bravery or to his lack of common sense. Certainly was more brave than I would have been.

Coffee in the kitchen once again this morning!


  1. That is quite a story. I agree with you. I'm not sure brave is the word I would use to describe it...The kitchen will be's th company that counts:))

  2. I agree with you - brave or dumb. Either way he was a great warrior and was respected by his peers. Coffee inside sounds great.

  3. A person with a different outlook on "life".

  4. One of the bravest. And we still treat his people poorly.

  5. Hey Mamahen...
    It sure was a bold move on his part, without a doubt.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    No doubt in my mind that he was respected by his people.
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Rob...
    I sure agree with that assessment.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    You are so right about that!
    Thank you for the visit today!

  6. I never read about this in all my readings but it is possible but what made him so brave could have been the mushroom plant payote(sp). But I'm also wondering if the soldiers really weren't trying to kill him since he was not hit by any of them with all the shooting they were doing.

    I sure could use some coffee no matter where we have it.

  7. Hey Jo...
    However he managed it, his fame as being brave only became stronger.
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

  8. Rumor has it that Sitting Bull had chronic hemorrhoid problems.
