Saturday, June 9, 2018

Think You Are Having A Bad Day...?

Having a bad day is part of life, but somewhere, someone is having an even worse one...believe me. Watch and you'll see what I mean.

Makes my day start to look not so bad after all!

Coffee out on the patio again.


  1. Sure makes my bad day yesterday, looks bit better. I'll see you on the patio. I'll bring some biscuits and home made strawberrie jam to share:))

    1. Strawberry...looks like today is going to be one of THOSE days too...sigh

  2. Hey Mamahen...
    I'll have some, no matter how you spell it!
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

  3. These were a bit funny but I guess not to them. At least I have never had that bad of a day.

    Patio with biscuits and home made jam sound like a winner to me. looks like another hide out in the cave day here already 81 at 7:20 am

  4. My bad days used to involve recovering bodies. Happy to be retired.

  5. Hey Jo...
    Same here. Gets hot early and stays late. Need some rain to cool things off.
    Thanks for dropping by today, sweetie!

    Hey Sixbears...
    I can certainly understand that!
    Thanks for coming over today!
