Sunday, July 29, 2018

Disney Classics For Sunday...!

Disney put out some cartoons that are classic even today. I know I've put these classic 'toons on here before, but here are three that I feel bear repeating.

And one more...

Well, hope you enjoyed that little trip down memory lane.

Coffee in the kitchen this morning.


  1. I'll have to save these for after church:))

  2. I remember the little house and the car but the first one I don't recall. lol

    Had some hard down pours last night there is actually large puddles.

  3. Hey Mamahen...
    Any time that is good for you, my friend.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    I do hope it helped to cool things down just a bit.
    Thanks dear, for coming over today!

  4. To hear Halloway's voice again ,Watching Disney with my family.... Thank you!
