Monday, August 20, 2018

Gedi Ruins On Monday Mystery...!

Most of the time when we find remnants of towns or villages, we have some idea of what happened to the people living there. And then there are cases like the Gedi Ruins that we don't have a clue as to what happened.

Gedi Ruins

Photo credit: The Daily Beast

The Gedi ruins in Kenya are located deep inside a forest next to the Indian Ocean. These ruins have lessened the general belief that Africa lagged far behind other civilizations when it came to technology and advancing toward modern living. Proof of this came in the form of flushing toilets, running water, and streets built in a town that is thought to have been established in the 13th century.

It seems that the Muslim inhabitants of the town traded extensively with other cultures, including China and other countries. But then the unthinkable happened. The entire town was abandoned in the 17th century for no apparent reason. Also, despite the fact that several ruins remain, including mosques, a palace, and houses, there are no written records to be found of Gedi.

Theories have been put forward that an unnamed enemy might have invaded the town and destroyed it, but there is no evidence of war among the ruins. Another theory has it that the receding Indian Ocean could have led to the depletion of water wells or that foreign explorers might have introduced the plague, leading to the death of all the inhabitants. However, there is a complete lack of evidence to support any of these theories.

While it's strange for an entire people to vanish without a trace, it isn't unheard of. Many countries around the world have similar cases. Makes you wonder just where they all went.

Coffee inside this morning. Just too hot to go out to the patio.


  1. I find these mysteries of the past fascinating. There are so many things lost to the sands of time.

  2. This is very interesting. In the Southwest Indian tribes disappeared without a trace also. Sure makes you wonder where they went and what happened to them. Supposed to rain here today, sure hope I can get the grass mowed before that happens.

  3. Things like the do boggle the mind. Hard to imagine an entire population just gone, without a clue as to why. I'll bring some biscuits and fresh peach jam to share while we relax around the kitchen table:))

  4. Hey Sixbears...
    Reckon we will never know the half of them, either.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    As good an answer as any, I reckon.
    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Linda...
    Sometimes these mysteries are only pathways to even more mysteries, ya know?
    Thanks for the visit this morning.

  5. Hey Mamahen...
    How can I say no to biscuits and peach jam? Bring it on!
    Thanks for stopping in this morning!

  6. WOW this is another great mystery. Looks well built to withstand so many years.

    I really slept late today, of course went to bed after 12. reading some stuff on abandon mansions and homes. Where like so many mysteries no one know where these people went and how everything was left behind.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. If it had been a disease or some other tragedy, there would be some signs or some human remains left. It does seem strange that everyone would move elsewhere all at the same time. You sure do come up with some great mysteries for us to ponder.

  9. Hey Jo...
    Seems like there are more than we ever hear about sometimes. Does make you wonder, doesn't it?
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I think we have barely scratched the service, as far as this type of mystery goes.
    Thanks for the visit today!

  10. Those look a lot like some ruins I found in Hungary. The Hungarian ones aren't nearly as old, I think, but the initial resemblance is striking. Also, I love when evidence flies in the face of long-standing assumptions.
