Monday, August 27, 2018

Kidd's Treasure For Monday Mystery...!

I think that one reason we are so fascinated with tales of pirates and such is the standing hope of finding a lost treasure that was left behind by them.

Here is the story of one partial find believed to be part of the pirate Captain Kidd.

Captain Kidd’s Lost Treasure

Photo credit: Ancient Origins

A UK–US archaeological team recently discovered a mysterious 55-kilogram (120 lb) bar of silver in the shallows off Sainte Marie Island in Madagascar. The find might have belonged to the infamous Scottish pirate Captain Kidd.

The team was led by Barry Clifford, who previously discovered remnants of Kidd’s ship, Adventure Galley. In 2000, Clifford found a metal oarlock, Ming porcelain, and 300-year-old bottles of rum. He believes that the silver bar is part of the same wreck.

Enigmatic engravings cloak the silver. The letters “T” and “S” appear prominently along with smaller numerical carvings. Kidd was a privateer in the Caribbean for years before he turned to the more profitable trade of piracy.

When Kidd was captured in Boston in 1699, the jewels in his ship were valued at nearly $10 million in 2015 dollars. Kidd met his fate on the gallows in 1701. The remainder of his treasure was never found.

Now, is it just me or does a bar of silver weighing 120 lbs. make a pretty interesting find. I say that it does and I would want to find the rest of it, for sure! I got this story from Listverse.

Coffee out on the patio where the rain cooled things off for a bit.


  1. I'd day that would be a very interesting find indeed! The patio sounds good:))

  2. I always figured they spent the loot about as fast as they stole it.

  3. I'll take the bar of silver if no one else wants it. Still wonder, tho, how they managed to spend all the loot they had.
    Hot and humid here today.

  4. Hey Mamahen...
    We are thinking along the same lines, I believe.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Rob...
    That's what most of us would do, I reckon.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Linda...
    I wouldn't mind having it myself. I like silver!
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  5. That sure is a lot of silver and I love silver jewelry.

    Patio sounds fine to me a little humid again but not a bad morning.

  6. Hey Jo...
    I'd rather have silver than gold, I reckon.
    Thanks dear, for dropping by this morning!

  7. That bar would sure make a fancy paper weight (grin). I need a couple of those.
