Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Thank You Major Martin...!

You may not know the name, but Major Martin was responsible for saving many allied troops during W.W. 2. There was even a movie made about him called The Man That Never Was. Here is his story.

Major Martin

Major Martin was a homeless man, who died of pneumonia and was then used as a weapon of deceit by the British in Operation Mincemeat. The body was disguised as a dead Royal Marines Officer and left to be found in the sea off the Spanish coast, with a briefcase full of top secret files chained to his wrist. When the body was brought to Madrid, those documents indicated that the Allies were preparing an invasion in Sardinia. However, this was all a trick to persuade the Germans into thinking that the Allies were going to invade Sardinia, instead of Sicily. The trick miraculously worked, and the Germans pulled thousands of troops from Sicily to defend Sardinia. Thousands of Allied troops owed their lives to the deception of Major Martin.

I don't know if they ever found out the name of the homeless man, but he should have been recognized in some form after the war, I believe.

Coffee in the kitchen again this morning thanks to the rain.


  1. I'd never heard this. I agree he should be honored in some way. Kitchen it is. Fresh peach pie anyone?

  2. Never heard this story before. That poor homeless man was a real hero. Hope they put up some sort of monument to him.

  3. They used all kind of tricks during the war. Would have been nice to recognize him after the war but if they didn't know who he was I reckon it would have been difficult.

  4. Hey Gorges...
    Glad you thought so.
    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Mamahen...
    You know I want some of that peach pie! YUM!
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    Like you, I think he deserves some sort of recognition.
    Thanks for the visit this morning.

    Hey Momlady...
    Wonder why he didn't get mentioned more in the history books? No telling, I guess.
    Thanks for coming over today!

  5. I agree something should have been done to honor the man whether or not they knew who he was.

    Kitchen it is already a hot one this early in the morning

  6. Even though he may have been a failure all his live, after his death he became a hero. Very interesting Mr. Jim.
