Thursday, August 9, 2018

The Outhouse Mystery...!

The only thing worse than having to use an outhouse in the middle of the Winter is to find a body in the outhouse. A murdered body at that! EWWW...!

Sacked With Arms Sticking Out

Imagine waking up one morning to head out to the bathroom. You open the door, already expecting the stench on a warm, damp morning. But instead of the smell, you are greeted with a sight that you would not soon forget. In truth, it was something straight out of a horror movie.

It was summer 1910 when a horrifying discovery was made in Bonner, Montana. The body of a man was found inside an outhouse. The victim had been stuffed inside a gunnysack which was then sewn closed. Oddly enough, whoever sewed the victim into the bag had left the man’s arms sticking out of the sides of the bag at the seams.

While suicides in outhouses were fairly common in the early 1900s, it was doubtful that a man might sew himself up inside a bag, leaving his arms out, and then commit the terrible deed. For this reason, the police and investigators at the scene were near certain that this was a case of murder.

I didn't know that there were that many suicides in outhouses back in the 1900s...certainly not so many that they considered them common place.

Coffee inside the kitchen this morning. Supposed to rain some more.


  1. Outhouse have never been one of the more pleasant bathroom experiences for me. I have a problem with "porta potties" also. Have always told my hubby that I really need "indoor" plumbing. Sunshine and high humidity here this Am, showers this PM.

  2. Eww. Used my share of them in my life. Prefer indoor plumbing but when necessary......

  3. Like it said the smell on a hot day is bad enough but to find a dead body is just plain horrible. Why would someone committing suicide bother to sew their self into a bag of course that could be why the arms were sticking out.

    Kitchen will work as it is really nasty here love that the forecast says it is sunny not true

  4. Hey Bigfoot...
    That it is, that it is!
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    I'm not a big fan either. But sometimes, needs dictate differently.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Momlady...
    I prefer indoors as well.
    Thanks for the visit today.

    Hey Jo...
    Certainly would put me off!
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

  5. Our hunting camp had one and I can remember back when I was young, sitting there when a gust of ice cold air tried to get out of the hole. Brrrrr.

  6. Hey Dizzy...
    That brings back some Unpleasant memories, for sure.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  7. Wow...that would be a shock for sure!
