Friday, August 17, 2018

Three Head Coffin For Freaky Friday...!

When talking about mummies and such, you don't often hear about a mystery like this one from Listverse. At least, I never do.

The Triple-Mystery Head

Photo credit: Ancient Origins

When archaeologists opened a tomb in 1915, they encountered a grisly sight. Perched on top of a coffin was a decapitated head. The tomb belonged to a 4,000-year-old couple, a governor called Djehutynakht and his wife, who had been buried in the Egyptian necropolis of Deir el-Bersha. It became the FBI’s oldest case after Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts contacted the agency.

Nobody knew whose head it was. Despite the agency’s misgivings, they managed to extract genetic material from a tooth in 2016—a first from such an old Egyptian mummy. DNA proved that the head was male and thus belonged to Djehutynakht.

But two more mysteries remain. Somebody expertly performed a coronoidectomy with a precision not thought possible. All the chewing muscles, cheekbones, and jaw hinge were removed without marring the face. Though it’s uncertain, it might have been done during a mummification ritual known as the “Opening of the Mouth Ceremony.”

The DNA also showed that the governor had Eurasian ancestry. It was such a surprise that FBI scientists feared that they would not be believed. However, in 2017, the same thing was found by researchers independent of the agency and with different Egyptian mummies.

This whole thing kinda creeps me out, ya know? Imagine calling the FBI to help identify a mummy. The museum must have been desperate, that's for sure.

Coffee out on the patio if that's OK.


  1. I agree with you. The pleasant subject for sure. The patio sounds great:))

  2. That is really weird. I can't imagine calling in the FBI and then to find Eurasian DNA is even weirder. Good one for Freaky Friday. Have a great weekend. Rain here all day today. On my way to the DMV to get my new license. Not my favorite place to visit.

  3. That sends shivers down my spine. Good thing I have a hot coffee this morning to warm it back up.

  4. Hey Mamahen...
    At least it gives us a good topic for discussion this morning!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    The mysteries are sorta stacked up, aren't they?
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Welcome back! We been missing ya, for sure.
    Thanks for the visit today!

  5. While creepy it still amazes me that 4,000 yrs ago they did such great surgeries with such perfect removal of bones and other matter.

    Coffee on the patio is always good with me. Humidity today is higher than the temperature

  6. Hey Jo...
    Yeah, they were more talented than we thought, it seems.
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

  7. Don't ever underestimate the homo-sapiens. The only advantage we have over those of ancient time is a lot of history to learn from, if we were smart enough to do so.

  8. Hey Dizzy...
    I don't think we will ever be that smart. Nice thought, though.
    Thanks for coming over today!
