Sunday, September 16, 2018

Did You Know About This Poison...?

Many of the every day foods we possibly eat every day could very well kill us, in case you weren't aware of it. I'm talking about things like apple seeds, green potatoes, cherry pits and other things like that. Here is just one of the many things I found that could do us all serious harm.


In 2014, Whole Foods had to recall some of its bitter almonds, which contain traces of hydrocyanic acid as well as glycoside amygdalin, which, when heated or exposed to certain other conditions or chemicals (like the kinds in your digestive system), will be converted to hydrogen cyanide.[3] That’s right: amygdalin again, just like with the apricot seeds. Both raw almonds and apricot seeds are marketed health products, but both can be deadly when ingested.

Cyanide compounds are actually pretty ubiquitous and plentiful in nature; in fact, if you walked out into nature and just began eating food, many of the things you ate raw could kill you, as is, without human intervention.

This information is available, along with another group of possibly poisonous foods at Listverse. Just follow the link to see the list.

Coffee out on the patio this morning!


  1. I eat some roasted almonds every day.... so far, so good.

  2. Hey Bigfoot...
    I wonder if it is just a certain kind of almond that is bad, or if it depends on the quantity consumed.
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

  3. I like almonds but not almond extract. Go figure.

  4. Well this is some tough information to digest this morning. But they are saying in the raw state.

    Patio sounds lovely mornings are really nice until around 9:30 then it's time to lock down for the rest of the day. When will this heat go away???

  5. Hey Momlady...
    Wonder why that is? Maybe something they add to the extract.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    About the heat...ya got me there. Makes me wonder what kind of Winter we are going to have, ya know?
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by this morning!

  6. Wow...always learn something here!
