Thursday, September 13, 2018

Shame On Project Artichoke...!

We have talked before about some of the Government sponsored experimental programs and the harm many of them caused. Here is yet another example of such a project.

LSD And Morphine Experimentation

Photo via Strangify

On April 20, 1950, the CIA officially approved Project BLUEBIRD, which was later renamed Project ARTICHOKE. The agency was investigating interrogation techniques in order to create amnesia and new identities as well as new memories in experimental subjects’ minds. Part of the research entailed giving them morphine in order to create an addiction followed by a subsequent withdrawal.

The experiments were conducted by leading psychiatrists, neurosurgeons, and pharmacologists in North America. Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the program was when the agency experimented on children aged 7–11 years old, giving them 150 micrograms of LSD per day for weeks and months at a time. The details of the research only came to light in 15,000 pages of documentation obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.

You know, the more I read about some of the so-called "Scientific" projects sponsored by our own government, be it past or present, the more I am disturbed by all of them.

Coffee inside due to more stormy weather.


  1. As much as we decry the Nazi medical experiments it appears that we've had our own Mengeles............

  2. Now, after reading this article, I am getting very angry at the people who think they can run their experiments on human beings. Why don't they use themselves as guinea pigs and see how they like it. How perverted can one 'species' get? Do we need to start a new group; People For the Ethical Treatment of Humans? Enough is enough. I'll get off my soap box now.

  3. Hey Taminator...
    Some of them had to be almost as evil, it would seem.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    I guess that no one held them accountable, but just wanted some type of results.
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    I certainly agree that it is, for sure.
    Thanks for the visit today!

  4. Horrible just horrible.

    Coffee and a storm go well together don't you think?

  5. It's sad to see how often our government is not on the side of the good guys.

  6. It is very sad the things that are done in the name of science or progress.

  7. Hey Jo...
    A storm and coffee do seem to go together.
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Ain't that the truth, my friend.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Mamahen...
    It is, indeed. I wonder if the PTB find it worth it?
    Thanks for stopping by today!
