Monday, September 3, 2018

Strange Amnesia On Monday Mystery...!

Did you ever wish you could be someone else? Maybe you could this guy.

Michael Boatwright

One of the strangest recent tales of amnesia is the story of Michael Boatwright. On February 28, 2013, the 61-year-old was found unconscious in a Motel 6 in Palm Springs, California. When he awoke in an emergency room, the American—who had a driver’s license in his own name—spoke only Swedish and claimed his name was Johan Ek. Not only had he forgotten his native language, but he no longer recognized his own face. Boatwright’s sister later emerged, claiming her brother was a “wanderer” and saying that she hadn’t seen him in a decade. Other than his memory loss, Boatwright is in good health.

Diagnosed with “transitive global amnesia,” doctors believe that Boatwright suffered some kind of psychological trauma. Others believe he might be faking in an attempt to escape some element of his past—however, this seems unlikely, as the case has only put him under intense public scrutiny. The true story of Michael Boatwright may never be uncovered.

Nothing in the world is more of a mystery than the workings of the human mind. I found this mystery on Listverse.

Coffee in the kitchen again, thanks to the rain.


  1. Well this us a strange mystery. From what I am reading here he has not recovered his memory to this day.

    Coffee in the kitchen is fine. We are having one storm after another today and it is still storming. But it sure is pleasant outside.

  2. Hey Jo...
    Sure looks that way. Some mysteries are just never solved, I reckon.
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by this morning!

  3. Some kind of fake, if he suddenly speaks Swedish! Strange, indeed.

    Stay dry, gonna storm all week, I think. Big hugs ~

  4. I have to admit there are times when I wish I was someone else. Getting some much needed rain?

  5. These types of occurrences are so very weird. Raining here also.

  6. My wife suggested it was a past life coming thru.

  7. Hey Sis...
    That's what I was thinking. Yeah, anything to break the heat is fine to me.
    Thanks for stopping by today.

    Hey Momlady...
    Don't we all? At least a little...
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Linda...
    I have to admit that they are. Good sleeping weather.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Rob...
    Not a bad suggestion given the circumstances.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  8. Sometimes escaping our own lives might sound good for awhile. But I would hate to think of not knowing my daughter n hubby.
