Monday, September 24, 2018

Strange Forest For Monday Mystery...!

Many forest from around the world have strange stories attached to them. Ghostly tales and creepy legends abound around some of them. Here is one such forest from Listverse.

Pokaini Forest Mysteries

Photo credit:

Pokaini forest in Latvia is steeped in myth and mystery. Legend has it that visitors to the forest in ancient times brought rocks with them as penance for their sins. These rocks would then also symbolize the absolution of their sins. Considering that this is just a myth, it remains a mystery as to where the rocks in the forest actually come from.

The rocks are grouped together in a specific sequence around 30 hills. There are rumors that some of the rocks have healing powers (because some of them are hot to the touch) while others have destructive powers. People are advised against taking a rock home as a souvenir, as bad times may befall them if they do.

There is also an old pine tree under which the temperature remains higher than anywhere else in the forest. Some visitors to Pokaini believe that this anomaly as well as malfunctioning watches and compasses mean that the forest could be a gateway to a parallel universe.

I don't think I'll be carrying away any rocks from this forest, even if I were to visit.

Coffee inside again due to the rain.


  1. I think I would just stay clear away from the whole thing:))

  2. Hey Mamahen...
    Sounds like a good idea to me!
    Thanks for stopping in this morning!

  3. Sounds like an interesting place to visit. But as you say , I don't think I'll take any souvenirs home .

  4. Maybe... 3,000 years ago "they" found the gates to hell and have been filling the holes with rocks which explains the extra heat in places? Of course maybe not too...

  5. Sure does make you wonder, doesn't it? One doesn't take lava rocks from Hawaii, either.

  6. Hey Linda...
    I totally agree with ya on that, my friend.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Rob...
    Now that is an interesting idea. It would take a lot of rocks, I think.
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Now that's a legend I haven't heard before.
    Thank you for stopping by this morning!

  7. Another good mystery this morning. I could use a few rocks but I think I'll get them elsewhere.

    See you in the kitchen. We were having such nice mornings but not this one humidity back up and really cloudy again.

  8. Hey Jo...
    Getting the rocks elsewhere is more than likely a very good idea.
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

  9. Pretty spooky place. The piles of stones look like graves. Gonna need more coffee now. :)
