Friday, September 21, 2018

The Liver Eater On Freaky Friday...

Sadly, some often think of revenge when when a loved one is killed or murdered. Few actually carry it to the extreme aas did Jeremiah Johnson. From Listverse here is his tale.

Liver-Eating Johnson

Photo credit: Montana State Historical Society

Born in 1824 in New Jersey, Jeremiah Johnson is known for the legendary dark stories attached to his name. Johnson served during the Civil War as a logger, trapper, scout, and sheriff. However, he is better-known for the 15-year-long war he waged with the Crow Native Americans who killed his wife.

It’s believed that in 1847, his wife, who was a member of the Flathead Native American tribe, was murdered, and he sought his revenge. According to history books, he scalped more than 300 Crow and cannibalized their livers. It wasn’t long before his reputation grew, and he became known as “Liver-Eating Johnson.” Eating the liver was an insult to the Crow, as it was believed to be vital for the afterlife. Johnson avenged his wife and died in 1900 at a veterans’ home in Santa Monica, California, at the age of 75.

While I can understand how much Johnson must have been hurting, I do think that his methods of revenge were over the top and a bit extreme.

Coffee out on the patio this morning...again!


  1. Wow! I can't even imagine that much hate, and I have been a pretty good hater (I thought) in my day.Maybe I wasn't so bad:))

  2. That was carrying revenge to the extreme in my book. I wonder if he ever felt that he had carried the revenge idea on long enough, knowing it could never bring back his wife. Coffee outside sounds great. Have a great weekend.

  3. "Jeremiah Johnson" was a real good movie, but it didn't mention the cannibalism.

  4. Hey Mamahen...
    They say hate will eventually eat you from the inside out. Terrible thing.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    I think he must have finally had enough.
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Rob...
    Yeah, I wondered about that myself.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  5. Didn't know about the cannibalism either wow that's some powerful hate there.

    Patio sounds great my friend

  6. Jeremiah "Liver-Eating" Johnson is buried on the outskirts of Trail Town, in Cody, WY. The body was relocated there, in the 1970's, and the ceremony was attended by Robert Redford.

    John in Alaska
