Thursday, October 18, 2018

The Carson "Paper" Shortage...!

Just to show how gullible some folks can be at times, it's not unusual for something said as a joke by a celebrity to be taken as fact. Here is one such story from Listverse.

Carson and the Toilet Paper Shortage

In 1973, perhaps having no more pressing concerns, a Wisconsin congressman named Harold Froelich voiced a concern that the United States faced an impending paper shortage in the coming year. The story made very minor headlines, and would have ended there if the staff of “The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson” hadn’t happened across the article. Like today’s late show hosts, Johnny Carson was well known for riffing on the headlines, but on December 19, 1973, viewers took him quite seriously when he warned of a nationwide shortage in toilet paper. The next day, shoppers went wild, buying every roll off their store shelves and hoarding it. Some stores took advantage, price gouging customers on this suddenly scarce commodity. Although Carson took to the air the following night to assure his viewers the warning had been meant in a purely tongue-in-cheek fashion, the damage had been done.

Now I can understand why the importance of stocking up on t.p. is recommended as as part of being prepared, but I wouldn't go crazy just on the word of a talk show host or any other celebrity.

Coffee out on the patio again this morning.


  1. I remember that... fwiw in 1973 "shortages" of really important stuff (like gasoline) were not unknown.

  2. Some people will believe anything an actor or tv personnel says.

  3. People are very gullible. Now I for one usually don't believe all the rumors. But if I heard there was going to be a T.P. shortage, I would definitely stock up. The Sears catalog just doesn't hack it.

  4. Hey Rob...
    It did seem to be a time of shortages, didn't it?
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    Kinda sad when ya think about it. Seems to happen a lot though.
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    Yeah, people paper sure beats the alternatives!
    Many thanks for the visit this morning!

  5. I don't remember that but in those years I was a very busy young mom of 4 with no energy for late night TV. But the gas shortage I remember and there wasn't really any shortage at all for some reason the government was hoarding the gas.

    See you on the patio.

  6. Hey Jo...
    Let's hope that we don't have to go through anything like that again any time soon.
    I appreciate you dropping by today, dear!

  7. I remember both shortages well. During the so called TP shortage, my father-in-law brought my wife and I a carton of it. He owned an auto parts store and had a supply in storage for use in the store.

    And during the gasoline shortage, the local gas station put closed signs up and turned out all the lights at night. Then he would pump what gas he had to his loyal customers. So, I was never hurt by either of those shortages.

  8. Hey Dizzy...
    Doesn't really seem that long ago, I guess. Reckon my age is catching up to me, though.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  9. I remember the gas shortages, but not the to, but then, I rarely watch t.v. in those days.
