Tuesday, October 2, 2018

The Denver Spiderman...!

Sometimes the criminals in the movies get some crazy nicknames. Come to think of it, that happens in real life as well. Here is just such a case of a crazy nickname.

The Strange Tale Of The Denver Spiderman

BY M.ADMIN | NOV 16, 2013

In 1941, a man was found murdered in his house, with all the windows and doors locked. It looked like the case would go unsolved until a year later police heard strange noises coming from a tiny crawl space in the attic. The killer had been inside the house the whole time.

In September 1941, Philip Peters was found bludgeoned to death at his home. What police couldn’t figure out was how it happened. All the doors and windows in Peter’s home were locked from the inside, and there were no signs of forced entry whatsoever. It looked like the mystery would go unsolved.

Eventually Philip Peter’s widow and son returned to live in the house after a hospital stay. They soon started hearing noises at night: shuffling and knocking. Even neighbors reported seeing “odd lights.” So, the family came to believe that the house was haunted. And there was still the mystery surrounding the death of Mr Peters. The police responded to these reports of ghostly sounds by searching the house, but coming up empty. The family had had enough and moved out. However, the police, not willing to let the case go, and not willing to buy into the “ghost” theory, began to carry out surveillance.

One day, that surveillance paid off. Almost a full year after the initial murder, in July 1942, two police officers on a stakeout outside the house saw something move in an upstairs window. They rushed inside and up to the attic where they saw a man trying desperately to squeeze into a tiny gap. They pulled him out and found that he’d been living in a tiny cubby hole in the wall this whole time, occasionally making brief forays downstairs for food and water. Although the hole was too small for most men, the man was able to contort himself to fit into it. It turned out his name was Theodore Coneys, a homeless man who’d been living in the attic for quite some time. Philip Peters had startled him one day as he foraged for food resulting in the initial murder. He was dubbed the Spiderman for both the weird length of his fingers and for the length of time he’d spent living in his spider-hole in the attic.

I'm surprised that we don't hear of more cases like this. Just thinking about it makes me nervous, ya know?

Coffee inside once again this morning!


  1. That is scary to think he lived there undetected for who knows how long. We hadc a really nice day here yesterday, but they say it will rain again today. The kitchen will be just fine:))

  2. Great!!!! Now I will have to check my crawl space in the attic to see what is making all those noises. That is really scary to think he lived there all that time. Rained here yesterday and today is just plane cloudy and miserable. Coffee in the kitchen sounds lovely.

  3. Wouldn't happen in my house. I have no crawl spaces! Ha, ha, ha.

  4. Hey Mamahen...
    That he lived there so long is a testament to how quiet he could be...and is a bit unnerving to say the least!
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    Now those things that go bump in the night will demand more attention, I reckon!
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Certainly one more advantage to living in a log cabin.
    Thanks for the visit today!

  5. That's creepy, I just don't understand how much food could have been stored in that house?
    No attack here either so that's good for me.

    It rained here yesterday all day with thunder every once in a while weird storm. Supposed to get more today so as soon as we have our coffee I'm out the door to do the shopping.

  6. Glad I don't have an attic or a basement. Even so, I also keep protection handy.

  7. Hey Jo...
    Guess it didn't have to be a lot for someone hungry.
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I don't have a basement, but I do have an attic. Better start checking it.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Sis...
    Yeah, it is that!
    Thanks for the visit!
