Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The Story Of Chief Seattle...

There is often a lot of history lost in the myths and legends of the old days. One bit of history is about Chief Seattle.

Chief Seattle

Photo credit: Wikimedia

Born in 1790, Chief Seattle lived in present-day Washington state, taking up residence along the Puget Sound. A chief of two different tribes thanks to his parents, he was initially quite welcoming to the settlers who began to arrive in the 1850s, as were they to him. In fact, they established a colony on Elliot Bay and named it after the great chief. However, some of the other local tribes resented the encroachment of the Americans, and violent conflicts began to rise up from time to time, resulting in an attack on the small settlement of Seattle.

Chief Seattle felt his people would eventually be driven out of every place by these new settlers but argued that violence would only speed up the process, a sentiment which seemed to cool tempers. The close, and peaceful, contact which followed led him to convert to Christianity, becoming a devout follower for the rest of his days. In a nod to the chief’s traditional religion, the people of Seattle paid a small tax to use his name for the city. (Seattle’s people believed the mention of a deceased person’s name kept him from resting peacefully.)

Fun fact: The speech most people associate with Chief Seattle, in which he puts a heavy emphasis on mankind’s need to care for the environment, is completely fabricated. It was written by a man named Dr. Henry A. Smith in 1887.

I can only imagine the dignity that this old man must have had, and I hope that his passing was a peaceful one.

Coffee out on the chilly patio this morning, if that's OK.


  1. Very interesting! I'll meet everyone on the patio...in my winter coat lol:))

  2. Really interesting to learn that the city was named after a native American. Hope he is resting in peace. Someday hope to see that city.
    Big hugs ~

  3. Hey Mamahen...
    The weather has turned in a different direction , for sure. I am loving it!
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Sis...
    Not only that, but they actually paid him for the privilege! I understand that it rains quite a lot there, so be prepared.
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

  4. Wonderful post this morning, this is something I didn't know anything about.

    Patio sounds fine with me, we had another huge rain storm come through last night.

  5. I had no idea how that city got its name. Thanks for the information.
