Monday, October 29, 2018

Tomb Of The Red Queen...!

Often the quest of archaeologist leads to more questions about the past than it answers. Here is the story about the tomb of the so-called "Red Queen" from Listverse.

The Red Queen

Photo credit:

In 1994, archaeologist Arnoldo Gonzales Cruz and his team discovered a burial chamber in Temple XIII in the ruins of Palenque in Southern Mexico. Inside the chamber, they discovered a sarcophagus and an intact tomb. At one end of the sarcophagus, they found the skeleton of a young boy; at the other, they found the skeleton of a woman in her thirties. It is thought that they were sacrificed in order to accompany the woman whose remains were found inside the sarcophagus to the afterlife.

The skeleton inside the sarcophagus was covered in red dust, leading to it being nicknamed the Red Queen. Alongside it, Cruz and his team found a collection of jade and pearl objects. A diadem of jade beads was found around the skull as well as remains of what had been a funeral mask. Unfortunately, none of the findings pointed to the identity of the woman. Studies conducted on the remains revealed that she had been around 60 when she died and that she loved eating meat. It is believed that she was an important person, considering that her burial chamber was located next to that of Pakal the Great. The remains have since been returned to Palenque, and the research into her identity continues.

Being so close to halloween, this Monday Mystery seemed appropriate. Who could resist tombs and skeletons, and the like... Especially when those tales come so close to halloween.

Coffee out on the patio again today.


  1. I wonder why the red dust, and for that matter, what, the red dust was...Windy and raining again here this morning, so your patio sounds nice. Anyone care for a pumpkin cookie:))

  2. What was up with the red dust? Great story for this time of year. Cold, windy and very damp here today. My maple tree dropped all it's leaves yesterday so guess what I have to do today. Mamahen I would;d love a pumpkin cookie.

  3. Just may have to look up about the red dust. Interesting story. Thanks, HJ.

  4. Hey Mamahen...
    I couldn't find any reference to the red dust or what it might have been. I'm thinking maybe it was dried red clay or something like that!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    Symbolic, I'm sure. Don't know of what, though. Have fun raking the leaves.
    Thanks for coming over this morning.

    Hey Momlady...
    Please let me know what you find out.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  5. Good mystery for this time of year is right. Something that caught my eye was how white her teeth were. This is interesting to say the least.

    See you on the patio

  6. Hey Jo...
    Seemed to be just the right season for a mystery like this. Maybe the teeth were so white because of the contrast of the red dust, ya know?
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

  7. Maybe the red dust was just make-up and she just put too much on. You know women, they will not go anywhere, even to the after live, without their make-up on.

  8. Ha,ha, Dizzy. You should see me sometime!
    Good story, Bubba.

    Big hugs.
