Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Are You Competent...?

I think that we all know someone, maybe several someones, that fall into the incompetent category than we want to admit. In fact, one might say that it seems the numbers are increasing every day.

Incompetent people are often so incompetent, they don’t even realize their own incompetence. According to the Dunning-Kruger effect, people who are ignorant or unskilled in any area are too inept to notice, so they end up thinking they’re far more competent than they actually are.

Nice to know that there is actually a name for it.

Coffee inside again this morning!


  1. Hmmmm. Now I have to wonder about myself:)) 28 here again this morning..It's going to be a long winter!! I think some hot oatmeal with strawberries from the freezer sounds good. I'll share if anyone would like some:))

  2. Hmmmm, now I will have to think on that one. 17 degrees here this AM. Way to cold for me - hibernation time is upon me. Hot oatmeal sounds really good this morning Mamahen.

  3. Compared to y'all it's positively warm here at 40 degrees. I have met some real incompetents and all I can do is shake my head. Unfortunately there seem to be more these days. Thank you for the oatmeal offer, Mamahen.

  4. Hey Mamahen...
    I do love oatmeal, especially with maple sugar or strawberries.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    Yeah, at 17 degrees it's hibernation time for me also. Too cold!
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    Warmer at your place than mine, but at 34 degrees I'm still uncomfortably chilly.
    Thanks for coming by today!

  5. Oh yes there are a few incompetent souls.

    I love when the weather says it's 48 degrees but feels like 38 umm of course more nasty winds today glad I don't have to go out anywhere. Guess I cook up some veggies in the oven that will help. And the oatmeal sounds wonderful this morning with lots of hot coffee.

  6. Is the opposite true? If you think you are incompetent does that mean you are actually competent? I get confused (grin).

  7. It reminds me of the Peter Principle.
