Thursday, November 22, 2018

Food Post For Thanksgiving...!

No...this post isn't going to be about turkey or anything like that, but it is going to be about eggs! Specifically, the eggs of the Emu. Here are some of the things you might want want to know about the Emu egg, or not!


Often confused with ostriches due to their similar size and long necks, emus are huge birds whose eggs are in significant demand. Emu eggs weigh about 0.9 kilograms (2 lbs) and are a stunning blue-green color. However, the selling point is that one emu egg equals roughly 12 chicken eggs.

Eating emu eggs is common in Australia, where the birds are endemic. In fact, there has been a spike in demand in the past few years.

As emu eggs are 50 percent whites and 50 percent yolks, the eggs can be used for a variety of dishes from breakfast to dessert. Australia’s demand for emu eggs has increased as cooking shows and restaurants look to add these eggs to their menus, either by scrambling, frying, or even turning the eggs into milkshakes.

In the United States, the popularity of emu eggs is also rising. Restaurants have started to add them to their dishes at up to $90 an egg. A dish with one egg serves up to six people and is scrambled with mushrooms and black truffles.

Even farmers’ markets are quickly selling out of emu eggs, which go for around $20 each! They are said to have a more decadent taste than chicken eggs, though you may have to taste them to believe it.

I think I will stick with the traditional stuff this food holiday...thanks all the same. BTW...Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Coffee inside this morning, but I have some birthday cake from yesterday that I'll share! Chocolate with fudge icing!


  1. It will certainly be cheaper! Have a happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Hey Gorge...
    Certainly can't afford a dozen, right?
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving and a belated Happy, Happy Birthday!!!As for the eggs, good ole chicken eggs are good enough for me. I will have a bit of birthday cake, before I start today's cooking. Thank you for having us over:))

  4. Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Can't say as I have ever had an Emu egg. They sure are pretty.

  5. Hope you have a quiet, lovely Thanksgiving. Emu egg? No thank you.

  6. That would be a heck of a deviled egg to have with Thanksgiving dinner! Have a good Thanksgiving Mr. Hermit.

  7. Happy Birthday my Special Friend! And Happy Thanksgiving!

    There used to be several Emu ranches around AZ. but they just didn't really take off. Maybe they were to ahead of the time. That's a heck of an egg, but at $20. each I'm with your I'll stick with the chicken.

  8. Hey Mamahen...
    I sure see nothing wrong with regular hen's eggs. In fact, I like 'em pretty well!
    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    Right you are about them being pretty, but I have never had one either.
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Are you sure you don't want to try one? You could probably eat for a week on it.
    Thank you so much for coming over today!

    Hey Rob...
    It would make a lot of egg salad also. Have a good one!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    I remember when they were a bit of a trend. I appreciate the birthday wishes, sweetie.
    Thanks for dropping by today!
