Thursday, November 29, 2018

Lewis Latimer, Unknown Genius...!

Sometimes I think that we forget about the help that all famous folks had at their disposal. Very few ever got credit for the assistance or any extra money. Regardless, their involvement certainly helped things along.

Lewis Latimer

Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons

Lewis Latimer, the son of runaway slaves, was the draftsman who helped Alexander Graham Bell file his patent for the telephone.

That’s kind of impressive, but that’s not all. Latimer also patented a carbon filament for the incandescent light bulb in 1881. Though Thomas Edison is generally credited as the inventor of the light bulb, he had, until that time, only been able to make the bulbs light up for a few minutes at a time.

Latimer patented his method for making carbon filaments, which allowed light bulbs to burn for hours before burning out. Much more useful. Not only that, but Latimer was a pioneer of the electric lighting industry and one of the charter members of the Edison Pioneers, who worked closely with Edison in the further development of electric light. Of the original 100 Pioneers, Lewis Latimer was the only black man.

He went on to invent a number of other useful gadgets, including a flushing train toilet and a device which cooled and disinfected patients’ rooms in hospitals, thus reducing the rate of hospital-acquired infections.

Ever notice how often Thomas Edison shows up in one of these articles? I wonder why that is...

Coffee out on the patio this morning. Almost like Spring weather here.


  1. That is really interesting. What a shame he doesn't get more credit. I am on my way to your patio. It is not even December yet and already I am tired of the cold and snow. Snowed again last night and 24 degrees this morning with a high 32.

  2. Bet there are a lot of other people who never got credit for inventions. All comes down to $$ and publicity.

  3. I never heard of this man until right now. I read that Edison took credit for lots of things that were invented by others. Yes Momlady its all about money and power.

    Patio sure sounds nice there so I'm on my way

  4. Hey Linda...
    It doesn't take long for me to get tired of cold weather at all. I feel for ya!
    Thanks for stopping b this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    Probably a lot more, for sure. Wonder how much goes on today!
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    He really was almost a complete unknown, until now. At least we now know about him.
    Thanks for dropping in today, dear!

  5. Edison stole a lot of ideas and took credit for other people's work. Having a cup of cold brewed Cafe du Monde chichor coffee while looking out at our record breaking snow. Nice to be by the woodstove.

  6. Hey Sixbears...
    Nothing like a good wood fire to take off the chill. Of course, good coffee goes a long way in doing the same thing in a more flavorful way!
    Thanks for the visit today!

  7. I didn't know any of that...very interesting:))

  8. Hey Mamahen...
    Glad I could share something that was new to you.
    Thanks for stopping by today!
