Saturday, November 24, 2018

Once This Song Was Banned...!

Once in a great while, the folks in charge of what is good for all the rest of us deem that we shouldn't hear certain songs...and so, in their infinite wisdom (?) they banned them from being played on the radio. What makes this so strange in this case is that the song in question has no words! Not a single word at all! It was banned strictly because of the title! Here is the song and the story behind the reason for this madness!

Link Wray

Link Wray’s 1958 classic “Rumble” was originally banned from many US radio stations, notably in Boston and New York, for fear of the song inciting gang violence. Although it did not take much for a song to be banned back in the 1950s, even by the sensibilities of the time, banning “Rumble” is a stretch for the imagination because the song contains no vocals. That is zero words.

It was not the raucous rock ‘n’ roll sound of the song that caused the widespread boycott from radio stations but rather the song’s title that caused the ban. The use of the word “rumble” as the title proved just too much for several radio DJs, and therefore, the song was banned.

Surprisingly, the banning of Link Wray’s song didn’t have much negative impact on the tune’s commercial success. “Rumble” remained in the charts for ten weeks after its release, and even today, it is revered as iconic.

I have to say, I can remember this song and always liked it, but not one single time that I heard it did I ever think of fighting someone...NEVER!!

Coffee out on the patio this morning. Pretty nice weather!


  1. Just look at some of the crap they pay these days. This makes no sense at all...I'll meet you on the patio:))

  2. Hey Mamahen...
    I agree completely!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  3. A great classic instrumental. One of my all time faves. When I would DJ a picnic, party or oldies dance I always worried that it would start huge fights whenever I played it. Ha.....

  4. One of my all time favorites. Give me that old time rock 'n' roll.

  5. Hey Taminator...
    One of my favorites as well. Never did seem to bother anyone that heard it.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Momlady...
    The older rock and roll was so much better, in my humble opinion.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  6. It was such a cool instrumental I was pretty young but my older sister used to listen to it so I do remember. But like the others listen to this horrible crap they call music these days and they DO cause violence. Most of it is nothing but filth. Give me the old school music any day.

    Patio it is pretty chilly here.

  7. I have to say that I don't remember ever hearing it. I was into folk and country music around that time.

  8. Hey Jo...
    I think that most of the instrumentals from back then were pretty good, but I'm no expert. I just know what I like!
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I would have figured you would know the song. Although I admit the folk songs from back then were pretty cool as well.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  9. That's amazing, except it's not. People get excited and lose their minds sometimes. By the way, 1958 was the year I was born.
