Thursday, December 6, 2018

A Crime Fighting Gorilla...!

Here in Houston and in other places as well, home invasions are an everyday occurance. It happens in other countries as well, but in some cases the ending is not what you might expect. Here is the story from Knowledgenuts.

The Crime-Fighting Gorilla Named Max

BY M.ADMIN | AUG 31, 2013

In 1997, an armed robber named Isaac Mofokeng was trying to escape police when he ran into the Johannesburg Zoo. While fleeing, he unwittingly jumped into the gorilla enclosure. Max, a 418-pound male gorilla was resting inside, along with his mate, Lisa. Fearing for her life, Max attacked Mofokeng, who shot him twice—once in the shoulder and once in the neck. Unfazed, he grabbed the robber, knocked the gun from his hands, and pinned him against a wall, biting and thrashing Mofokeng.

Police arrived shortly after and tried to free Mofokeng, who was in danger of being killed. Two of the policemen were attacked by Max as well. (He bit one of them on the buttocks to keep anyone from feeling left out.) Authorities subdued the gorilla and took him to a local hospital, where they removed the bullet from his neck (but left the bullet in his should because they felt it would be too dangerous to operate on). After making a full recovery, Max became a national icon for those fed up with the incredibly high crime rates in South Africa.

He was given an honorary bulletproof vest, which was a few sizes too small, by the local police and became a spokes-gorilla for crime prevention and awareness. He was hugely popular at the Johannesburg Zoo, where he lived the rest of his life, until he died peacefully in his sleep in 2004. (Mofokeng ended up being sentenced to 40 years in prison, as he was a lifetime criminal.)

In my opinion the criminal got off easy. Certainly deserved everything he was given by the gorilla.Gotta protect the wife and the homestead, right?

Coffee in the kitchen once again this morning!


  1. I agree with you. Max was a hero in my opinion...The kitchen is great...30°is too cold for patio sitting here this morning...Chocolate,chocolate chip w/orange zest is the cookie of the day, if anyone would like one:))

  2. Wonder if Max was the inspiration for the Trunk Monkey? Hahaha

  3. Now that makes my day. I am glad Max beat the crap out of that guy. And yes, he got off too light with his sentence. Kitchen sounds great 28 here this morning.

  4. Hey Mamahen...
    Lends a whole new meaning to the "stand your ground" concept, for sure.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Gorge...
    Happy that you found it worthy of sharing.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Excelling...
    I had not considered that, but it's very possible.
    I appreciate the visit today!

    Hey Linda...
    I couldn't agree more!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  5. Love this story, and love the gorillas name.

    Fine with me to have coffee in the kitchen, it is a tad warmer here this morning but it's just a break for the next round of cold. Gorgeous sunrise this morning

  6. Hey Jo...
    I think we have your cold weather headed our way. I know you want to share, but it's really not necessary.
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by this morning!
