Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Pinkertons Hired The First Female Detective...!

When it came to the Old West, not many names struck fear into the bad guys more than the group known as the Pinkertons. They were the first detective agency of their kind and made many advancements in their field. Here is just one such advancement.

They hired the nation’s first female detective.

In 1856, 23-year-old widow Kate Warne walked into Pinkerton’s Chicago office and requested a job as a detective. Allan Pinkerton was hesitant to hire a female investigator, but he gave in after Warne convinced him that she could “worm out secrets in many places to which it was impossible for male detectives to gain access.” True to her word, Warne proved to be an expert at working undercover, once busting a thief by cozying up to his wife and convincing her to reveal the location of the loot. During another case, she got a suspect to feed her crucial information by disguising herself as a fortune-teller. Pinkerton would later list Warne as one of the best investigators he ever hired. Following her death in 1868, he even had her buried in his family plot.

Sounds to me as though the first female Pinkerton was well thought of and effective. Not bad for a woman of her time, that's for sure.

Coffee out on the patio again this morning.


  1. Sounds like she was courageous, and good at her job. .23° Here this a.m.Your patio sounds good to me:))

  2. Glad we had some "trailblazers" like her around. She was a courageous woman and did an outstanding job.

  3. Hey Mamahen...
    Someone had to be first, right? Pretty brave lady.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    Must have made a good first impression, I'd say.
    Thanks for coming over today!

  4. It's not surprising that a woman could garner more information.

  5. She has a Wikipedia page, her exploits make a good read!

    It's a little cool in this part of Florida for coffee outside today...

  6. She proved her point!

    Patio at your place sound good, 38 here so no porch time at my place.
