Thursday, January 10, 2019

A Viking Invention...?

Who would have ever guessed that the Vikings were almost obsessed with their appearance. Here is an invention of the Vikings that seems nearly out of character for them.


Photo credit:

Most Viking inventions and innovations were related to the hit-and-run military campaigns conducted during their raids and involved shipbuilding, camping, combat, and other related practical enterprises. Despite their penchant for waging guerrilla warfare, it seems that the Vikings were vain about their appearance. When they sailed off in search of plunder, they took with them the combs they created from deer antlers.

“You might expect these to be throwaway objects, but in some cases, they were superbly decorated, and all were massively over engineered,” archaeologist Steve Ashby said. He added that the combs were made of the same material as specialized tools like polishers, saws, and rasps.

For Vikings, appearance was an important aspect of their identity. “They took a great deal of care with their grooming and often carried combs with their swords and knives on their belts. They frequently even took combs to the grave,” Ashby explained.

After the Norman Conquest in the 11th century, comb-making died out in England. This may have been the result of the Forest Law, or perhaps antlers became prohibitively expensive. But, in Sweden, combs imported from Norway continued to be purchased and used.

I guess when you are running all around the known world raping and pillaging, you might be wanting to look your best. Gotta try and look your best, I reckon.

Guess we better have coffee in the kitchen this morning. The weather seems suspect.


  1. They might have been barbaric killers, but they were pretty barbaric killers.

  2. In comparison, the only reason they were 'barbaric' in comparison to the Irish, English, French, Rus, Proto-Germans, was that they (the Viking peoples) were the 'Other.'

    The Welsh viewed/still view the English as 'barbarians' though they spent more time killing themselves than fighting the invaders.

    Scots have always been their worst enemies. Highland whacking Midland and Lowland, Midland stabbing Highland and Lowland in the back, Lowland selling out Midland and Highland, while all occasionally getting together to get frisky with their southern neighbor, England, while bitching and moaning about England when England finally gets tired of their (the various Scots) stuff and sets out on various raids and wars of retribution. But the English are the barbarians, right?

    Ireland thinks everyone picked on it, not looking at it's own history of killing itself over and over, which resulted in the monasteries like Lindisfarne being located way off the beaten path and hard to get to, conveniently putting them right in the targeting sites of the Vikings.

    France in it's various incarnations has always looked down it's aristocratically snobbish nose at everyone around it, meanwhile treating everyone around it barbarically.

    The Viking peoples just lost the PR war. Now, if Harald Hardrada and the Norwegians had won at Stamford Bridge rather than Harold Godwinson and the Anglo-Saxons, well, the snobbish Anglo-Saxons would have been exposed to the radical concepts of the Norwegians such as the Thing, where all from crown to slave, had equal voice in courts of grievance. And 'Viking' steel making, which bled into all European steel making, which ended up making Euro steel many much better than anyone else's.

    They also made advances in breeding hardy species of livestock. Their jewelry making is still a wonder of the world.

    Barbarian. Just another way to say "Those freaking kids on the other side of the fence." Or "Get off my lawn."

  3. Who would have guessed? I certainly was surprised to read that...22° here this a.m...the cozy kitchen sounds perfect:))

  4. Hey, if you are going out anywhere, especially "raping and pillaging", a man has gotta look his best. Hehehe Guess those Vikings weren't as primitive as we all thought. Still very cold here so kitchen sounds terrific

  5. Who'd a thunk it? In the 20's here this morning. Who says Georgia can't have all four seasons in one month?

  6. Fashion!

    (I had to look up "The Forest Laws")

  7. Hey Sixbears...
    I reckon they wanted to make a good first impression.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Gorges...
    Glad that you found it so.
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Beans...
    I reckon you pretty much covered all the areas where the Vikings were likely to make an appearance, and I appreciate the way that you covered the politics and attitudes of most of these countries. Well done, sir!
    Thanks for coming by for a visit today!

    Hey Mamahen...
    You know that I always like to surprise everyone with something a little different, right?
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    Guess that's why most invaders and plunderers dressed better in the field than at home.
    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    Man, ya'll are certainly having some diverse weather this year, but then strange weather seems to be the norm everywhere lately.
    Thanks for the visit today!

  8. Hey Rob...
    Guess that "fashion" has always played into it in some form, or so it seems.
    Thanks for dropping by today!

  9. What an interesting post today. See and all the pictures drawn about them they look wild and unkempt.

    Kitchen is a great place to be this morning we had another crazy thunder and hard rains last night.

  10. Bubba, I'll go for the kitchen this morning - too cold out on the patio! 70 degrees 2 days ago, and low 40s today - sounds like Jo's house!

    Nice looking comb, and is the other object a razor? Who knew the Vikings were so inclined? Good info, as your posts are so often inclined.

    Big hugs ~

  11. Hey Jo...
    Amazing how much we are influenced by false impressions given us by folks providing the majority of our so-called history.
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

    Hey Sis...
    Certainly looks like a razor to me, but I can't say for sure. Glad you enjoyed the post today.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

  12. Maybe the combs were for combing out the bugs, lice, fleas, and what ever else might find its way into that jungle of hair (grin). I shouldn't talk, having long hair and a beard.

  13. Hey Dizzy...
    I'm fairly certain that the Vikings had ways to prevent being invaded by all those creepy crawlers, although I am sure I don't want to even guess at what that might be. Painful, I would imagine.
    Thanks for coming over today!
