Tuesday, January 1, 2019


I just have one thing to say today...and I think you all know what it is.


I want to thank each and everyone for hanging with me over the past year. You will probably never know just how much I appreciate it ! Believe me, you mean the world to me...REALLY !

A special thanks to Momlady for the care package and to Jo, who is always there to give me a hug when I need it! Hugs for everyone this morning ! OK?

A heaping platter of cookies and coffee are waiting in the kitchen today !!!


  1. I hope your 2019 is a great one, my friend!

  2. Happy new year Mr Hermit and lot's of coffee on the patio mornings!

  3. HJ, I hope this year brings all good things for you. I always enjoy reading your blog even if I don't comment so please don't stop. One of these days there may be a visit so I can tell you in person how much I have appreciated your posts. May you be blessed with good health and happiness. Blessed be.

  4. Happy New Year! Cookies are GOOD!

  5. Happy New year and a great big hug from me as well my friend. My stop at you patio or kitchen is a bright spot for me each day also! Thank you for always having your door open:))

  6. Hey Gorges...
    Same back at ya, my friend!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Rob...
    I appreciate that, buddy. Let's hope there are many more good coffee days ahead.
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    There will always be a place at my hearth for you. The same blessings are wished for you, dear lady!
    Thanks for the valued visit today!

    Hey Ian...
    Yes sir, they are! Nothing like a good cookie to go with the coffee.
    Thank you so much for taking the time to come by today!

  7. Hey Mamahen...
    I'll take all the hugs that are offered, my valued friend! I'm so happy you like coming by.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  8. I have enjoyed and learned from your blog postings for quite some time and I plan to continue to enjoy your blogs for years to come. So keep on posting, you hear?

  9. Happy, happy day to you, Bubba. You know how much I enjoy being here with you to visit, and now Hubby viits, too. Always a good start to my day.

    Big hugs ~
