Monday, January 28, 2019

Killer Caught By Telegraph...!

We all know the name Scotland Yard, I'm sure. Like any other law enforcement agency, they had to learn to take advantage of the very latest technology to solve crimes...and that included the early telegraph.

The ‘Kwaker’ Poisoner

Photo credit: The Illustrated London News

On January 1, 1845, Sarah Hart was found writhing on the floor of her home in Slough. A doctor was summoned, but it was too late. She died soon after of poisoning with prussic acid (hydrogen cyanide). Her neighbor saw a man dressed as a Quaker leaving Sarah’s house in a hurry shortly before she was found.

After some inquiries, Slough police uncovered a man matching the description, who had purchased a train ticket to Paddington station in London. Luckily for them, Slough had installed a fancy new telegraph to London. The only problem was that the two-needle telegraph couldn’t use the letter Q, but they were still able to alert London police to be on the lookout for a suspected murderer dressed as a “kwaker.”

At Paddington, Scotland Yard picked up the trail of the Quaker and later arrested him. He was identified as John Tawell. He had an illegitimate child with Sarah Hart and was paying for her accommodations plus a weekly allowance. Eventually, Tawell decided that killing her was cheaper. He made a full confession, although he claimed that he killed Sarah Hart to prevent his wife from finding out about the affair, not for the money. He was convicted and hanged in March.

John Tawell became known as “the man killed by the electric telegraph,” as he was the first arrest made using this new technology. His trial did wonders for the reputation of the telegraph, and the instruments used to catch him are still preserved at London’s Science Museum.

That's a terrible thing to be remembered for, being the first murderer to be caught by telegraph, don't you think?

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. I baked gingerbread and it sure smells good!


  1. I sure wouldn't want to be remembered that way. Coffee inside sounds terrific as does the gingerbread. We are in the midst of a snowstorm accompanied by an arctic blast of bitter cold.

  2. Down in the teens here this morning. Sure do wish it would make up its mind. Gingerbread? Oh boy!

  3. I agree. Not the way I would want to be remembered either...Kitchen and the ginger bread sound wonderful! 20° Here this morning, we are expected to be in subzero temps in the next 24-48 hrs...and not be above single digits for a couple of days:((

  4. Hey Linda...
    The weather there just keeps on giving, doesn't it?
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Momlady...
    It has been crazy weather wise as of late, that's for sure.
    Thanks for stopping in today!

    Hey Mamahen...
    Guess you are starting to wonder what Spring looks like, right?
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  5. His motive didn't matter, they strung him up anyway!

    Coffee inside, it's 60° here on Key West & the palm trees are blowing in the wind. Heck I'm going to have to put on long pants today!
    Gingerbread sounds good, it's been sometime...

  6. Hey Rob...
    You are breaking my heart with the long pants! Sure beats the ice and snow, doesn't it?
    Thanks for coming by this morning!

  7. Well that was one invention that worked well right off the start.

    We are at 34 this morning but no complaints from me. I feel for you folks out there. Ginger and coffee good stuff

  8. Hey Jo...
    I certainly seems that it got the job done.
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

  9. Catching that one killer was enough to pay for the new invention.
