Thursday, February 7, 2019

I Think I'll Pass On The Wine, But Thanks Anyway...!

Around the world there are many different foods available, as you can imagine. Some are seemingly pretty good, while others are what you might call Questionable. This wine falls into the latter category, in my opinion!

Mice Wine

Photo credit: The Independent

Having a nice glass of wine is a much better idea . . . if it has baby mice in it. Then again, what’s wrong with a nice Merlot? Why is stealing mice from their parents and fermenting them in rice wine a better idea?[3] Are we just throwing in all things that rhyme together? Let’s put some lice, dice, and an ancient sacrifice in there while we’re at it.Anyway, the baby mice are left there for around a year. Then it’s “probably safe” to drink this “health tonic.” The Chinese believe that it can help with asthma, although it apparently tastes like gasoline. We’ll stick with the Merlot, thanks.

I do believe that I'll stick to the coffee, thanks all the same. Mice wine just doesn't do it for me.

Coffee out on the patio again today. Cold again tomorrow, so let's enjoy it while we can!


  1. or tea will do nicely thank you:))

  2. What is up with the Chinese and all their weird "cures". There is no way you will get me to drink that stuff. I love wine, just the kind made with grapes. Coffee sounds the best to me right now.

  3. The Chinese have some things that are really different.
    After the Olympics there was a photos going around the internet that showed some foods that were really different to my eyes... scorpions on a stick kind of different.

  4. Hey Mamahen...
    I hear ya on that!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    Kind of a cure ya or kill ya thing, I guess.
    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Rob...
    I'm afraid that many of their "cures" might do me in.
    Thanks for the visit today!

  5. Sorry didn't even finish reading that disgusting mess. Those people just wierd thing and have cause huge problems with poaching of most animals.

    It is 23 here this morning so I'll see you on your patio I sure need lots of hot coffee this morning.

    BTW can someone remind me of where I live!

  6. That may cure a wino. . . Of course, to drink that wine you would first have to drunk (grin).

  7. I do love my wine, Bubba, but this sounds to waaaay out there for me. When I look through the liquid in the glass, I want to see clear, all the way through, know what I mean?

    Interesting story, though.

    Big hugs ~

  8. Hey Jo...
    It isn't a pleasant thing to think about or read, I'll admit.
    Many thanks for dropping by this morning, sweetie!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I do believe you are right about that!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Sis...
    I sure don't want to see any baby mice in my wine, for sure!
    Thanks for the visit today!
