Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The Cat Connection...!

As you know, I have a cat...several cats, as a matter of fact. I like having them around, and even feed the almost feral cats outside. I finally discovered why I like them so much in this article from Listverse.

Cats Are Often Our Main Connection To Nature

Despite being man’s best friend, dogs haven’t become nearly as Internet popular as cats. Dogs and humans evolved alongside each other and and (most) dogs are smart enough to figure out how to coexist with humans so easily that there’s really not that much strangeness compared to living with a cat.

But when we have pet cats, we are living with tiny pumas. As we noted, humans have become so far removed from nature that we often don’t even think about nature until we’re shoveling snow or bracing for a hurricane. We have the same brains as our hunter-gatherer ancestors but can go for days at a time without really venturing outside, even though being in nature often makes us feel happier. Sharknados aside, we’ve pretty much removed ourselves from the food chain. But by surrounding ourselves with cities and walls, we’ve also erased our connection to all the other animals on this planet. It’s lonely at the top.

Cats are our furry little reminders that there’s a whole animal kingdom outside our walls. Knocking over papers, sleeping on laptops, or breaking into the pantry and eating all the Rice Krispies provides us with a much-needed connection to the wild world. So, thanks cats, for reminding us where we came from and who we really are.

I think this article pretty much says it all for me. Makes a lot of sense to this old man!

Coffee in the kitchen this morning once again.


  1. We have a small critter village at our house. A Chihuahua,
    a Chihuahua mix and 3 tom cats of mixed heritage. We love them all, but "the boys" definitely have their own agendas:))

  2. I just installed an electronic "cat repellent" device in my yard. The neighbor two lots away keeps several cats, along with chickens, goats, and Barbedo sheep. My front porch is starting to get that cat urine odor, so popular with cat lovers. They slip thru my fence at night.
    At least they keep the snakes away.

  3. I do like cats, but due to my hubby being allergic to them we don't have any. They are easier to care for than dogs; and in this firgid climate they don't need to go outside or be walked.

  4. Hey Mamahen...
    Cats do seem to be like that. They seem to march to the beat of their own drum.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Bigfoot...
    They do seem to dislike snakes, that's for sure.
    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    Yeah, they are pretty much able to care for themselves. That's a good thing during bad weather.
    Thanks for the visit today!

  5. I'm allergic to cats so have to keep my distance. But they can be very enteraining and silly little critters.

  6. I used to have cats and found out that they do have individual personalities. Our black cat was the most rebellious and would disappear for days, come in, and curl up on the corner of the couch. Then one time, it never came back. Have no idea what happened to her.
