Friday, February 1, 2019

The Underground City...!

The very idea of living completely underground doesn't seem very inviting, does it? At least not to me. However, it seems that to a certain group of individuals, it did at one time. Here from the folks at Listverse is a story about one of these mysterious underground cities.


Stepping away from fiction for a moment is the curious case of the underground city known as Derinkuyu. Located 76 meters (250 ft) below the Earth’s surface, its earthwork walls and buildings descend deep into the ground and span 18 floors. While many modern edifices and structures can dig deep into the recesses of the Earth, having an ancient variation on this idea traverse such subterranean depths is truly an astounding feat of ingenuity and versatility.

Of course, all of this raises the question of “Why?” Unfortunately, little is known about Derinkuyu and its enigmatic ancient inhabitants. While the origin of this city may never be known, the fact that it still stands and can accommodate up to 20,000 people shows just how impressive these ancient Turkish builders truly were.

What ever reason these folks had for wanting to live underground like this, it must have been a good one. Digging out this city was no small task, I would imagine. I do hope the man hours involved turned out to be worth it.

Coff in the kitchen again this morning!


  1. That is really curious as to why they did this. Give me something to think about today. Hopefully it is warming up some today; I am really tired of the bitter cold. Have a great weekend.

  2. We'll probably never know the reason. I know I could never live underground. I need some sunlight. Looks like it's going to warm up a little then more rain, rain, rain.

  3. I went to Wikipedia... They can only guess as to how old if is ("might" is the word they used), the guess was "8th–7th centuries BCE".
    Tunnels to other underground cities? It's an interesting world!

    Thanks for bringing this one up!

  4. WOW that must have taken many years to complete. I could never live underground I need light and sunshine. Of course if a place of complete safty was needed I guess that would be the place to go.

    Coffee in the kitchen it is

  5. Hey Linda...
    Considering how much work it must have been, they were bound to have a good reason, don't ya think?
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    You're right in that we will probably never know why it was done. I'm sure with ya on the sunlight, though.
    Many thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Rob...
    The world gets a little more mysterious all the time. Gotta just love it!
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    There is no telling how long it took, but you can bet it was a long time!
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by this morning!

  6. I bet those people were very pale (grin). I have to feel the sun at least once in awhile.

  7. I also would like to know why. With my claustrophobia, it would have to be something pretty serious, to even consider this. Running late...hope the pot is still on:))

  8. Interesting, Bubba, but not my cup of coffee ☕. Thanks for this one.
