Saturday, March 2, 2019

A Total Badass Texas Ranger...!

Many of the lawmen we think about today were not beyond taking a little frontier justice when they caught up to the bad guys. That was the case with the man known as John Reynold Hughes. Here is his story from the folks at Listverse.

John Reynolds Hughes

Photo credit: Texas Rangers

In May 1886, John Reynolds Hughes (seated on the right above) set out to discover who had stolen horses from his and his neighbors’ ranches. He trailed them for close to a year before coming upon them in New Mexico. He killed some of the horse thieves and captured the rest before returning the horses to his neighbors. The exploit earned the attention of the Texas Rangers, who persuaded him to join up.

Hughes served as a Texas Ranger for 28 years. When his captain was killed by bandits in 1893, Hughes was named as his successor. His first act as captain was to take a group of his men to search the border until they found, and killed, all those responsible for the death.

I guess that back in those days, frontier justice was considered more acceptable than it would be today. However, there are times when...

Coffee inside this morning. Anyone want some fresh baked peach pie?


  1. Sometimes a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!

  2. Hey Mamahen...
    It would appear that he had no trouble with the law, but then he was a ranger!
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Gorges...
    You got that right.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

  3. He did his job and he did it well.

    Coffee and pie on my way.

  4. Not a bad method, maybe we should bring it back. The only trouble was sometimes they got the wrong man. That is why we have legal trials.
