Thursday, March 7, 2019

Another Interesting Coffee Fact...!

I truly love it when I find an article that is positive about coffee...don't know why, but I do! Actually, learning about coffee is one more way to prove that Mother Nature is way smarter than we thought. From Listverse here is the most recent coffee article I found.

Coffee Contains Caffeine To Attract Bees

Every other coffee list on the Internet will tell you that coffee was discovered by goat herders, whose goats got a little jolly after munching on coffee berries. But why does coffee contain caffeine to begin with? Well, it’s toxic to slugs and other pests, but it turns out it also has an effect on pollinators such as bees. In fact, scientists think they get—wait for it—a buzz from the caffeine in the flowers of plants.

Scientists found that consuming caffeine helped bees to improve their long-term memories. The caffeine acts on the brain chemistry of bees in a way that makes the flowers more memorable, so the bees are more likely to return to plants of the same type. Though bees and humans are very different, some experts suggest the capacity to be affected by caffeine could be as old as the common ancestors we share, as it impacts our neurological activity on a very fundamental level.

It's nice to know that I have something in common with bees, ya know? I also enjoy the slight buzz that I get from caffeine, but I always figured it was from the taste of the coffee that did it. Go figure!, coffee in the kitchen this morning.


  1. I enjoy the taste of a good cup of coffee, but I do have to be careful about to much caffeine:))

  2. I do enjoy my cup of "buzz" I mean coffee in the morning. And if it helps my memory I'll take that too.Bitter cold again today. I'll bring some donuts to go with our coffee this morning.

  3. I like a good cuppa in the morning. As a matter of fact, enjoying one now. Cold here. Supposed to warm up starting Friday but....yup, you guessed it....rain AGAIN.

  4. I like the state of coffee but I've cut way back over the years... from a gallon to one cup in the morning.

    I've read the stories of the goats but I wondered how someone figured to take the pits from the coffee fruit, roast them, grind them & the boil the grounds to make what it is I drink everyday?

    I'm going to finish my cup of coffee inside because it's just out of the 40's outside down here in florida! Sunny but not warm...

  5. Hey Mamahen...
    Gotta have that balance between too much and not enough.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    Wouldn't it be nice to have the coffee improve our memory a bit?
    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    To me, coffee in the morning is almost like a warm hug. Almost!
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Rob...
    I guess that it was someone with a lot of time on his hands! Who knows?
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  6. I don't drink more than one or two cups of coffee a day, but I make it quadruple strong. I use at least four heaping spoonfulls of coffee grounds for each cup, but I do use big cups. I haven't had instant coffee for many, many years.

  7. Hey Dizzy...
    Kinda like your own version of an espresso, right? Hey...whatever works.
    Thanks for dropping by today!
