Friday, March 15, 2019

Now This Might Work...!

There seems to be a rash of women being mistreated by the husbands lately here in Houston. I'm thinking that this idea from India just might help here.

There’s a team of women in India who bring justice to the oppressed women of their country. ‘The Gulabi Gang’ wear pink saris, carry bamboo sticks as weapons, and are trained in counter- aggression techniques, like smearing abusive men with chili powder. If police fail to help an abused woman, the gang steps in and asks the husband to change his ways- but if he won’t, they ask his wife to join them in beating him.

Here locally I'm afraid it would take maybe a gun instead of a stick...and has on several occasions.

Coffee in the kitchen again this morning!


  1. A cast iron skillet will adjust just about anybody's attitude.

    For the life of me, I have never understood, how somebody could abuse someone; then lock yourself in the same house and go to sleep in the same bed with the person you just abused.

    Made apple turnovers if anyone would like one with our coffee.

  2. Spousal abuse is just wrong, wrong, wrong. I have a large cast iron skillet in my cabinet and a hammer under my bed. Both of which I am not afraid to use. Leaving is also an option. Judy, I would love an apple turnover; haven't had one for a long time. Thanks

  3. Believe it or not it isn't just men abusing women. Women can be abusers also but you don't hear so much about that. Male pride I suppose. It's complicated and sad no matter who is involved. Thank you for the turnover, Judy.

  4. Hey Judy...
    apple turnovers would be great! I like your idea of the cast iron skillet.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Linda...
    All spousal abuse is certainly wrong, no doubt, and sadly it is sometimes ignored by the PTB.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    We can be our own worse enemy at times, and pride can be one of the main causes.
    Thanks for the visit today!

  5. I like this gang I would join in a heart beat. No one has the right to hurt another person and those who take the abuse need counceling.

    Apple turnover! Oh Judy you are my hero I haven't had once in ages and some nice hot coffee

  6. Hey Jo...
    I have no doubt that you would join. Probably end up as a leader before long!
    Thanks for dropping by today, dear!

  7. Abuse of any kind to men or women from either men or women is unacceptable, but child abuse is the worst.
