Tuesday, April 9, 2019

How About The Rainbow Tree...!

We all know that nature can provide us with some spectacularly beautiful plants from time to time, but in this case, She may have outdone Herself! From Listverse, here is an article about the Rainbow Trees.

Rainbow Trees

Photo credit: amelia

Do you like rainbows? How about trees? Ever wondered what the combination of the two would look like?

Well, here we have Eucalyptus deglupta, commonly known as the rainbow eucalyptus. Native to the Philippines and other tropical areas, it can grow up to 76 meters (250 ft).

Most of the year, the tree has a smooth orange bark. But in summer, the tree loses this husk to reveal a multicolored bark which gives it the name of “rainbow.” Streaks of green, red, orange, gray, and even purple cover the bark.

Now this is one tree I certainly would like to see up close. I have an Idea that pictures just don't do it justice!

Coffee out on the patio where the temps are supposed to reach the high 80s.


  1. That tree sounds amazing. I would like to see it also...High 80s (sigh) At that temperature I could get out of my long sleeves.lol

  2. That is one tree I would love to see. How cool is that! Warming up here also. Finally able to put out some bird feeders.

  3. You're right, pictures don't do it justice. I'm lucky in that I got to see some up close and in person. Think I'll put out the hummingbird feeder and see if I have any takers.

  4. Sounds like Spring has officially sprung, Bubba, and a lovely story you give us to go along. Thanks.

    Big hugs ~

  5. Hey Mamahen...
    I know what you mean about getting out of the long sleeves for a change.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    I'm sure the birds will appreciate that! Been a long Winter for them as well.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Wow! I'm glad to hear that you got to see that tree in person. Must have been a pretty sight.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Sis...
    Yep, it has for sure!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  6. That is gorgeous, would love to see it to. It was 94 yesterday and today it will be around the same or warmer. Tomorrow low 70's which is perfect weather for me. See you on the patio

  7. I have seen some strange colorations on tree trunks but never any that beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Do they grow around here? If I were younger I would love to plant one here on my place.
