Friday, April 19, 2019

Let's Talk More About Memories...!

Those of us in our "Golden Years" have a thing about memories. At least, I do. Yet when I recall something with my sister, or another person that was present, we seem to have a slightly different memory of what actually took place. Finally, thanks to this article I found, I might know why.

Memories are like playing a game of ‘Telephone.’ Every time you recall an event, your brain distorts it a little more. So, while you may think you have a memory of something that’s happened, you’re actually just remembering the last time you remembered it.

You can read more about this right here. Makes sense to me...kinda.

Coffee out on the patio once again.


  1. That is very interesting. Unfortunately all of my immediate family is gone except my brother. He was the only boy and 13 yrs younger than me, so most if my memories with my parents and sisters, he was to young to know about.

  2. Hmmm, kinda like walking into a room and forgetting what you went in there for. Te brain is still thinking about the room you were in.

  3. This is so true. Each person perceives a situation just slightly different. The Telephone Game has the nail on the head.. Have a great weekend.

  4. Hey Mamahen...
    Memories are a funny thing. Seems like some days my mind gets caught in a loop and runs the same ones over and over again.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Momlady...
    I did a post about that very thing not long ago, if I remember correctly.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning.

    Hey Linda...
    We still know so little about the mind, it's scary.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  5. Memories are my way of going back to my childhood, which I would go back to if I could. Although I was plagued with sickness, some pretty bad, because of my wonderful parents, I had the best childhood a person could possible have.

  6. I always had a bad memory and now can you imagine what it is like now.

    Busy around here getting indoor painting done so I have been on the go getting supplies and thing by last night I hit that bed like a rock and got up so late. And I'm still tired and I am doing the painting. Bring on the strong coffee

  7. So interesting, Bubba. We'll have to compare more stories the next time I'm over. Remember when Sue said she didn't remember anything at all about our childhood? That was just weird.

    Let's do it again soon, ok? I know where to find you …

    Big hugs ~

  8. Hey Dizzy...
    I pretty much feel that my sisters and I had a good childhood. I enjoy the memories, but don't want to go back.
    Thank you for stopping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    Sorry that you wore yourself out with the painting. I reckon we all suffer a bit recalling some things from the past.
    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Sis...
    I don't know why she couldn't remember any of our childhood. Kinda strange for sure.
    Thanks for coming over today!
