Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Let's Talk Tires...!

Most of us that have a car have had to replace the tires from time to time, I'm sure. Ever wonder just what becomes of the old tires? In some cases, they can become a real problem. Here from KnowledgeNuts is an article about the problem in some countries.

In Kuwait Lies 7 Million Dead Tires in the World’s Largest Rubber Graveyard
BY ADMIN | DEC 27, 2018

Despite the fact that vehicle tires are quite resilient and can withstand years worth of wear and tear through multiple seasons of rain, sunshine, sleet, and snow, friction does eventually take its toll. In most countries, tires are shipped out to be recycled but in Kuwait, that’s not the case and is the primary reason why you can see a sea of tires from space in Sulabiya. The landfill houses over seven million tires, although not all of them originating from Kuwait itself as surrounding countries are allowed to pay a fee to have their own tire waste shipped to the landfill.

The Environmental Hazards of the Landfill
As most of us know, landfills pose massive environmental risks as waste gets piled sky high and left to sit for hundreds or thousands of years. In a lot of cases, the waste that is being dumped cannot disintegrate into the earth’s soil as it is not biodegradable, meaning that the waste either never gets broken down or the chemicals that leak from the waste pollutes the environment. In the case of the Kuwait tire graveyard, if a fire were to break out, a lot of toxic chemicals would be released into the air. Back in 2013, this occurred, with millions of tires catching fire and burning for days. It took a joint effort between firefighters, soldiers, and the Kuwait Oil Company to put it out.

Why Tire Disposal in Landfills is Illegal In Most Countries like Britain
In order to avoid the environmental disaster and the release of toxic chemicals both into the earth’s atmosphere and ground, shipping tires out to landfills is illegal in the majority of countries including the entirety of Europe. In 2006, Europe banned the disposal of tires in landfill sites, ensuring that over 480,000 tonnes of tires were shredded and recycled. With this ban in effect, more than eighty percent of the tires that are generated in Britain are processed and recycled through their Responsible Recycler Scheme, ensuring that the tires are reused in an environmentally friendly and acceptable way. Often, they will be used to create artificial sports pitches, carpet underlays, equestrian arenas, children’s playgrounds, and running tracks.

In future, recycled tires are going to be turned into “crumbs” to be used to create road surfaces that are quieter than traditional asphalt roads. According to a test done on one of Scotland’s busiest roads, not only does the recycled rubber surface allow for better grip and skid resistance but it still allows for proper drainage and creates a quieter, more comfortable drive. As of right now, there are about 20,000 miles of road made out of recycled tires, with more countries like China, Brazil, Germany, and Spain taking on the idea and re-surfacing their busier roads, thus cutting traffic noise by about twenty-five percent.

As more and more environmental hazards are becoming apparent from the dumping of tires in landfills, more countries and governments are committing to banning the process. If you are interested in learning more about the Sulabiya, Kuwait tire graveyard, simply search up the name and you’ll be able to see those who have visited and journeyed across this massive landfill on foot. Be wary though, it is a desolate experience.

This is one more example of how we are destroying our own environment, and I have absolutely no idea on how to prevent it. To be completely honest, until I read this article, I had no idea the problem even existed. Out of sight, out of mind...I guess. Guilty as charged, I'm afraid.

Coffee out on the patio again this morning, OK?


  1. A tire fire is ugly, stinky and bad for the environment for sure. The road idea sounds like a great solution to using old tires.

  2. I really like the road idea for the recycled rubber. Maybe it would help with potholes also. Great article today, Thanks.

  3. Hey Momlady...
    The road solution is the best idea that I've seen so far.Many seem to think so as well!
    Hey...isn't it time for me to say Happy Birthday?
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    I think you are right about that.
    Thanks for coming by today!

  4. That is a LOT of BF Goodrich sandals!

  5. Hey Rob...
    Yeah, it really is! If not sandals, maybe doormats?
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  6. Yes the road paving is a great idea wish they would try it here and get these roads and pot holes fixed. I just wonder with the heat here how that would work. There isn't much we can do to fix stupid but we can just keep preaching about how to clean up a respect the land to as many as we can my Friend.

    Coffee on the patio is wonderful idea

  7. As usual, an informing and interesting post. I guess you can now bounce down a rubber road.

  8. The road idea is a good one. If I'm not mistaken, it seems that the recycling company my hubby worked at for awhile, also used them to make a sort of bumper like pad that fits between the post and the metal on guardrails.

  9. It seems to me like rubber roads would be very combustible.

  10. Hey Jo...
    Not sure about how the heat would affect the rubber used in the repairs, but it seems that it would be fine.
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    The image that I get from that is amusing to say the least.
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Mamahen...
    I wonder if that was to protect the guardrails or cars? Not a bad idea either way.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Gorges...
    Doesn't mention that as being a problem in the placews that are using it already.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Rob...
    Given a fire hot enough, nearly all the paving on a road would burn, I would imagine.
    Many thanks for the visit today!
