Friday, April 26, 2019

Stolen With A Curse...!

Many of us have probably picked up something off the ground while visiting a park or historical place, intending to keep it as a small souvenir. Maybe that isn't such a good might be cursed.

Petrified Forest Rocks

Photo credit: Jon Sullivan

At Arizona’s Petrified Forest National Park, the temptation to pocket souvenirs most be particularly great because they are everywhere. One giant pile is known to rangers as the “conscience pile,” all returned by thieves over the years.

A pair of writers discovered at least 1,200 letters accompanying the returns, dating back to 1934. They collected around 50 of the most incredible into a book, from those whose conscience suddenly wouldn’t leave them alone to others that . . . well, just take a read:

“Upon returning home we first found out that my stepmother had kidney failure, then our dog died . . . I had a really close call in having a bad auto accident, our truck broke down needing major repairs, our cat died and last night . . . A gas well blew out a cap causing us to be evacuated from our home a while. So please take these pieces back before we have any more bad luck . . . ”

Apparently Roman, Maori, Egyptian and Native curses have nothing on very, very old trees.

I may not always agree with the idea of curses, but I figure why take a chance, ya know? Better safe than sorry! Read more about stolen artifacts with curses here!

Coffee once again out on the patio.


  1. It might help if you stop at one of the Native American gift shops that are just outside the Petrified Forest National Park to get your petrified rocks. Along the same lines, I would suggest you be careful about buying what they call 'old pawn' in the trading posts of the southwest. Call me superstitious, but I have picked up some weird vibes off of some the pieces I have handled.

    I baked shortbread cookies if anyone would like some with our coffee.

  2. I read about this before I visited the Petrified Forest. Needless to say I didn't pick up any rocks. Judy, shortbread cookies sound great this morning. Thanks

  3. Same thing goes for lava rock in Hawaii. Thanks for the cookies, Judy.

  4. Hey Judy...
    I do love freshly made cookies! Thanks for bring some.
    Thanks also for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    A little "being prepared" never hurts, that's for sure.
    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    I didn't know about the lava rocks in Hawaii.
    Thanks, my friend, for the visit this morning!

  5. I never heard about this curse before. I have a piece that I found in my dad's yard when he was selling the house. I don't know where they picked it up dad didn't know. But yes the shops all around the area of the Petrified Forest sell pieces. But makes you wonder how they managed to get these huge trunks since it is against the law to remove them.

    I'm ready for some coffee on the patio and Judy thanks for the short bread cookies.

  6. I don't feel sorry for anyone who gets a curse placed on them from stealing. Perfect punishment, right?

  7. Hmmm....Maybe I should take back the little rocks from various places...might explain a few things...Thank you for the cookies Judy:))

  8. Jo - There are petrified rocks fields outside the national park and as I understand it, that is where the gift shops they get theirs.

  9. Hey Jo...
    I'm sure the piece you found at your father's place is OK.
    Thanks for dropping by today, sweetie!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Good dose of karma, I'd say.
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Mamahen...
    If it works for you, go for it!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Judy...
    Thanks for the information, my friend.
    Thanks again for coming by today!
