Monday, April 22, 2019

Unsolved Library Murder...!

You would think that of all the places you would safe in, the library on a college campus would be one of the top spots...right? Maybe not. Here is a long standing case from the folks over at Listverse.

Betsy Aardsma

One of the most baffling unsolved homicides in American history took place on November 28, 1969. A 22-year-old graduate student named Betsy Aardsma was doing research in the stacks section of Pattee Library at Pennsylvania State University when she was suddenly stabbed through the heart with a knife. Her body was found after an unidentified man said “Somebody better help that girl” to the desk clerk before exiting the library.

Because Betsy was wearing a red dress, blood was difficult to spot, so no one even realized she had been stabbed. When they did realize it was murder, the unidentified man was long gone before he could be pursued as a suspect. While no one else in the library saw anything, some of them claimed to have heard screams. Betsy’s murder was completely puzzling since she was not known to have any enemies.

An assistant professor named Richard Haefner is considered one possible suspect, as he reportedly dated Betsy for a short time before her death and would face scandalous accusations of molesting young boys later on in his life. However, he died in 2002 and has never been placed in the library at the time of the murder. For over forty years, authorities have pursued thousands of leads, and it’s even rumored that Betsy Aardsma’s ghost haunts Pattee Library (because of course it does). However, her killer and their motive are still unknown.

I can't help but wonder why the cases such as this remain unsolved after so many years. People heard the scream, but no one investigated...really? Many questions seem to go unanswered here, ya know?

Coffee out on the patio again.


  1. Hmmmmm...sounds like something for Sherlock Holmes.

  2. Hmmmmmm sure are a lot of unanswered question to this one.

  3. Hey Momlady...
    It sure does sound like a worthy mystery for Holmes.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    Certainly more questions than answers.
    Thanks for coming over today!

  4. This case leaves alot of unanswered questions for sure....47° Here this morning, so I'll be glad to visit your warm patio☺☺☺

  5. Hey Mamahen...
    You are certainly welcome to come south, where it seems that Spring is here to stay.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  6. Now this is a good mystery. No one bothered about a scream. Had to be the guy who left.

    57 here but will be in the low 80's today. See you all on the patio

  7. Hey Jo...
    Seems as though a scream, especially in a library, would attract attention, ya know?
    Many thanks, dear, for dropping in this morning!

  8. It seems that the longer it takes to uncover any clues the chance of catching the right person gets slimmer and slimmer.
