Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Attack On Columbus, New Mexico...!

Sometimes the people we like to set up as folk heroes...aren't! This story of the attack on Columbus is a good example of how things can get ugly when neighbors turn on one another.

Battle Of Columbus

Photo credit: Bain News Service

Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa was active along the United States border throughout the Mexican Revolution and during World War I. Villa constantly infuriated American authorities by conducting raids on trains and causing havoc on the border. However, his boldest move came in 1916 when he attacked the town of Columbus, New Mexico.

A garrison of 600 troops was guarding Columbus, but bad information led Villa to believe that he had the advantage with his 400 soldiers. On March 9, 1916, his soldiers cut the border wire, and Villa led them into town. The Mexican attackers stormed through Columbus, looting houses and businesses. Civilians fought off the raiders as the US Army quickly mobilized to repulse Villa’s forces. Commanders organized their men into fire squads, and they even brought in machine guns to fight off the attackers.

It soon became clear that the defenders had the upper hand, and realizing he’d lost the element of surprise, Villa ordered a retreat. The bandit managed to escape with his men . . . but at great cost. He lost nearly 100 troops during the attack.

As for the US, 18 Americans lay dead, and parts of Columbus had burned down. Outraged, President Woodrow Wilson ordered a 6,000-man expeditionary force (commanded by General John Pershing) to enter Mexico and capture Pancho Villa. For a year, the Americans had the full cooperation of the Mexican government, but in 1917, Mexican authorities asked the expeditionary force to leave.

While Villa managed to evade Pershing, the massive military response convinced the outlaw to never attack American territory again.

Sounds to me as though things could have been a lot worse in Columbus. Glad that they weren't!

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. Raining outside...


  1. Another tidbit of history I didn't know. The kitchen is good...I'll bring some fresh fruit salad to share if anyone would like some:))

  2. And now we're being invaded in a different way.

  3. So where are all the troops to stop the latest invasion from Mexico? Just asking you know. Mamhen, thanks for the fruit salad. That is one of my favorite treats.

  4. I stayed at Pancho Villa State Park in Columbus NM, there is a great museum about the raid.

    The chase into Mexico was the first time the US practiced being a mechanized army. They used airplanes for the first time and found they needed bigger motors to get over the mountains, Gen Pershing left on the chase on a horse & returned in a staff car.

  5. There was also a Lt. George S. Patton under Pershing's command.. it would have been a good time to take Mexico as ours..and made it a territory. We might not have the issues we see now.

  6. I have a problem with this story, that raid was a lot worse than this writer is making it. Many people in that city lost there lives women and children were not spared most of the city went up in flames. Maybe I have my city's mixed up but Villa was a really a crazy man and yet he is hailed as some kind of hero.

    Coffee in the kitchen is OK with me

  7. Hey Mamahen...
    Always glad to share what I learn.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Seems at times that we are.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    That's a very good question.
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Rob...
    Sounds like an interesting place to visit.
    Thanks for stopping over today!

    Hey Craig...
    It certainly would have been, no doubt.
    Thanks for the visit today!

  8. Hey Jo...
    No attack on a civilian target is ever a good thing. Sad thing for sure.
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

  9. Always love and learn something from your posts. If you had been my history teacher back when I was in school, I am sure I would have graduated with honors.

  10. Hey Dizzy...
    Just trying to share the knowledge, my friend.
    Thanks for coming over today!
