Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Let's Go To The Spam Museum...!

One of my favorite foods actually has their own museum...really! I never knew this until I read this article from Listverse. This is one place I'd love to go, for sure.

Spam Museum
Austin, Minnesota

Photo credit: exploreminnesota.com

Many of us shudder at the thought of eating “Spam,” the highly processed tinned pork that Hormel Foods first introduced to the US market in 1937. While the long-life convenience food certainly had its place as a staple for troops during World War II, the square tin of meat has become a much-maligned product in more recent years.

Yet there is actually a Spam Museum in Austin, Minnesota. Hormel Foods first established a small museum in a mall in 1991 before moving to a bigger, more accessible site in recent years.

Here you can learn the history of Spam production and its role during the war years. You can even taste Spam varieties. Yes, there are different types sold throughout the world. Visitors can even pick up some Spam recipes for their next dinner party.

Personally I like Spam, always have! I eat it fairly regularly. Call me crazy, but meat is meat and Spam is made from ham.

Coffee outside before the heat sets in again.


  1. My dad was a WWII Navy veteran. He was not a fan! I did not taste spam until I was in my 30s. I had just gotten remarried. Hubby wanted a fried spam sandwich. He couldn't believe I didn't own a can of the stuff as I have always kept a well-stocked pantry. It's okay, if I have to eat it I want it as musubi.

    Made lemon meringue pie if anyone would like a piece with our coffee.

  2. You're making me hungry for a fried Spam sandwich, Judy. I haven't had one in years.....

    Every time I hear the word Spam I think of this.......


  3. 1/4" thick sliced Spam lightly fried in a skillet, with some sharp cheese melted slightly on top.....now that's good eatin'...!!!

    I think in Hawaii they sell many different flavors of Spam. I just like the standard version.

  4. Spam is one of Hawaiians' favorite foods. You can find it everywhere on the islands.

  5. Hubby and I ar big Spam eaters. Love it fried in a sandwich, or in fried rice. I even have a recipe called Spamich Rice.

  6. I had a fried spam & egg sandwich for breakfast last week, good stuff! Great stuff when cooked while out camping!

    Mr. Hermit, you're in Texas as I recall.. just to pick a town I'll say Houston.
    That's 1100 miles from the Spam Museum in Austin Minnesota, sounds like a road trip to me!
    The best reason in the world for a road trip is to see something like this! That & buying snacks for it.... :-)
    If you were already up that way you'd be passing right by the Winnebago Factory in Forest City, IA which is (IMO) well worth the time to stop & take the tour.

    Judy, pie with morning coffee? That's a fine idea!

  7. Hey Judy...
    My dad was that way with rice. Wouldn't eat it at all, except spanish rice. I would love some pie!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Taminator...
    I do like fried Spam sandwiches. Good stuff!
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Bigfoot...
    I have to agree with ya there.
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Momlady...
    I hear it's on many menus there. Wouldn't be surprised.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    They all sound good to me.
    Thanks for coming by today!

  8. Hey Rob...
    Great stuff for camping out, like you said. Pie and coffee sounds great, doesn't it?
    Thanks for the visit today!

  9. Sorry I'm so late!
    Now my late husband was a big fan of spam. And of course he had me eating it to. He would pan fry it but oh it was so good the way he made it. I was thinking to add it to my camping and prep storage. Since it doesn't need to be in the fridge unless it was left over. I was checking it out at the store and yes it comes in so many flavors. Maybe next time I shop I will pick some up.

    Hope there's still some coffee and pie left.

  10. I like Spam and always have. There are only two things I will not eat, coconut and licorice. Most anything else is OK. I like food and am not real picky.

  11. Hey Jo...
    I think it would be a good thing to add to your camping food. Fried for breakfast it's great!
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I figured you might like it! Good stuff!
    Thanks for stopping in today!

  12. I'm very late...That pie sounds yummy but I can't do meringue due to egg allergies...I love spam, but my dad never liked it or any type of cold cuts. He blamed it on eating to much of it during WWII, but I'm not sure because most of his family are/ were picky eaters.
