Thursday, May 2, 2019

Strange Smelling Candy...!

As anyone that knows me will tell ya, I do love most candy...especially chocolate. However, I found this strange little bit of information about a strange candy from an article on Listverse.

Musk Sticks

Photo credit: ABC News

What looks like bubblegum toothpaste and has a perfume-like flavor? Musk sticks, of course! The strange candy loved by many Australians and New Zealanders may be off-putting to others. Musk sticks are basically pink cylinders made of gelatin and icing sugar with a musk-like essence.

The candy dissolves slowly in the mouth, and many people associate the taste with a strong cologne. A baker from Australia wrote about a woman in her blog who described the candy as “tasting like the smell of old ladies at the bus stop & yet kind of nice.” It’s weird, and the appeal is hard to understand, but the candy has been going strong for a century in Australia. Woolworths alone sells around 24 million musk sticks per year. If these candies don’t sound appealing, you could always use them as an air freshener instead.

I don't think you can call this a passing fad, since the stuff has been around for more than a century. I might want to smell it, but I don't think I'm up for tasting it just yet.

Coffee out on the patio, but we may have to move inside if it starts raining.


  1. Don' remember ever encountering this one, but those Aussies do indeed have some strange consumables. First place I ever heard of box wine 🍷, and even still have a special cooler just for that - great idea.

    Big hugs ~

  2. That brought to mind a hop oil flavored candy that was sold by a brewer supply house. I bought a bag of Cascade Hop candy to try out. It had a wonderful citrus scent and I couldn't wait to pop one in my mouth. GAK! That stuff was so nasty and bitter that I spit it out after about 15 seconds. Being the frugal person that I am I tossed the rest of the bag into my next batch of home brew. Waste not, want not............

  3. The musk smell would be a real turn off for me. Think I'll stick to chocolate.

  4. Woolworth's! I remember Woolworth's! As I recall I was living in Hawaii so it had to be the early 60's.

    Not the same company ..., the name had not been registered in Australia.

  5. Nope. Just nope.

    Rain 37 degrees and there's still ice on the lake. Good thing I still have strong coffee.

  6. Hey Gorges...
    Sounded pretty strange to me as well.
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Sis...
    The one place I always wanted to go is Australia. Don't know why...
    Thanks for stopping by this morning.

    Hey Taminator...
    Did it help the taste of the home brew?
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Linda...
    Yeah, I'll stick to chocolate as well
    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Rob...
    I wondered about that when I read the article. I remember them as well.
    Thanks for the info and for the visit!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Sounds like Winter is still hanging on there.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  7. I think I'll pass on that candy. I hate the smell of that perfume and seems like those women drown themselves in it.

    Chilly here this morning but not for long before it warms up. See you all on the patio

  8. Guess I will just stick to Skittles.

  9. Well...It sounds odd. I live the smell of musk, so I might be tempted to try it once:))
