Thursday, May 30, 2019

What A Crazy Speeder...!

Did you know that there was an actual arrest made in the case of the first speeder, and the auto was an electric? Yep...that's right!

The First Driver Arrested For Speeding Was Traveling 12 Miles Per Hour

Photo credit:

On May 20, 1899, 26-year-old Jacob German was the first motorcar driver arrested for speeding. Officer John Schuessler (aka The Scorcher’s Terror) was renowned for chasing down and arresting those in horse-drawn carriages and on bicycles speeding on the streets of Manhattan.

German worked for the Electric Vehicle Company, a taxi service with an all-electric fleet. He was doing 19 kilometers per hour (12 mph) at the time he was spotted by Officer Schuessler of the Bicycle Squad of New York. At the time, New York laws forbade drivers from exceeding 13 kilometers per hour (8 mph) on roads and 6 kilometers per hour (4 mph) when going around corners.

Schuessler went after German’s car with his bicycle and arrested the lawbreaker. Reporting the news, The New York Times wrote that German was traveling at “breakneck speed” and “so reckless a rate.” German did not get a ticket for speeding, but he spent some time in jail.

Sounds pretty crazy by today's standards, doesn't it? Certainly made sense at the time though.

Coffee out on the patio, but you already knew that...right?


  1. 12 mph in 1899, the world has changed hasn't it? On the patio for coffee!

  2. Wow, he was really going fast! LOL How 'bout some jelly doughnuts?

  3. Wow, he was traveling at breakneck speed. Haha Sounds like the drivers in the roads today. We had a 16 year old speeding on
    I 41 crash is car and throw(not wearing seatbelt) his 4 younger brothers from the car. All ended up in Children's Hospital in serious condition. People seem to "feel the need for speed". Momlady I would love a jelly doughnut. Thank you.

  4. Life is better at 6 mph . . . on a sailboat. :)

  5. Hey Rob...
    Yes sir, that it has!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    I haven't had jelly donuts in a long time...thanks!
    Thanks also for coming by today!

    Hey Linda..
    Sometimes it seems the world is in a big hurry, going nowhere.
    I appreciate your visit today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Definitely more peaceful as well.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  6. No ticket straight to jail maybe that worked better than the tickets so many don't pay these days. Such sad story Linda.

    See you on the patio and thanks for the Jelly Donuts Momlady

  7. Hey Jo...
    Go directly to jail sounds like a pretty good idea for such a flagrant abuse of the 12MPH speed!
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

  8. Hard to believe the speed limits were so low, when you look at the world today.
