Friday, June 7, 2019

Just Like The Nursery Rhyme...!

Once in a great while, life does seem to follow a nursery rhyme. In this case, I think the farmer involved was making a statement that just happened to involve sheep. It was pretty cool, though.

They Go To School

Photo credit:

In 2019, French parents heard that a class at a local school might shut down due to dropping student numbers. They were understandably upset. After all, the “drop” was small. For some reason, the national education authority decided it would be the best move after numbers went from 266 to 261.

The primary school, located in the French Alps, served the village of Crets en Belledonne. One of the village’s farmers took his flock of sheep and went to the school. He had a plan.

After arriving at the school, he produced birth certificates for 15 sheep and enrolled them as students. In most other places, the act would have caused a legal incident, a call to the police or animal welfare, or perhaps a psychiatrist.

However, in this case, the woolly students were signed up during a ceremony watched by the school’s staff, children, and the kids’ parents. Although the sheep never sat through a history lesson or received homework, the initiative worked. The class stayed open.

Seems like the showy demonstration did the job. All without violence or fighting...COOL!

Coffee in the kitchen again this morning. More rain expected.


  1. Love it! More rain here, too.

  2. Hey Linda...
    Made their point peacefully.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Glad you liked it.
    Thanks for coming over today!

  3. Dealing successfully with bureaucrats.

  4. Hey Rob...
    Using the sheep was pretty symbolic, I guess.
    Thanks for the visit today!

  5. Smart move on the Farmer. And no crazy picketing or violence love it.

    Kitchen is fine. Already 80 here at 8 am

  6. Hey Jo...
    No signs to carry and no chanting!
    Thanks dear, for dropping by today!

  7. I love weird creative solutions to problems.
