Thursday, August 22, 2019

How Did He Get Out...?

Did you ever think that there was something wrong with our legal system? It sure seems that way and has for quite some time. Here from Listverse is a case that you have to wonder about.

James Lucas
The Man Who Tried To Kill Al Capone

Photo credit: US government

James Crittenton Lucas was a criminal who got sentenced to 30 years in prison for robbing the First National Bank in Albany, Texas. However, it wasn’t until he arrived at Alcatraz in 1935 that Lucas started gaining national notoriety.

Even though Lucas was only 22 years old, he became one of the prison’s most problematic inmates. He often caused trouble, got involved in a work strike, and, most notably, attempted to kill fellow inmate Al Capone in 1936. Lucas attacked the renowned mobster in the shower with a scissor half, dealing Capone superficial cuts to his hands and chest. Lucas later claimed this was due to Capone threatening to kill him.

Lucas made the headlines again in 1938, when he tried to escape from Alcatraz with two other inmates, Rufus Franklin and Thomas Limerick.The three men assaulted supervising guard Royal Cline and planned to overpower the tower guard as well. However, they failed to get the drop on Cline, and he shot both Limerick and Franklin. Officer Cline and Thomas Limerick died, while Lucas and Franklin received life sentences for murder.

Despite his new sentence, Lucas was still paroled in 1958 and became one of the few gangsters from the public enemy era to enjoy a long, happy life. He married, had four kids, found a law-abiding job, and lived until 1998.

I'm glad that the man finally turned his life around, but stii, I have to did this man ever get parole? Sure beats me!

BTW, sorry about yesterday and the "brain Fart" that made me miss posting.

Better have our coffee inside again, as it's supposed to rain.


  1. It appears that a parole was the right thing ... or he just never got caught.
    I'd vote for the happy ending!

  2. Hey Rob...
    Let's hope that the parole was influential in helping him get back on track. Gotta love a happy ending!
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

  3. Well, I'm glad it ended well, but I too wonder just why the parole was ever hranted. it almost seems to me like, they just let him go, so they didn't have to deal with him anymore....The kitchen is fine! I'll bring some leftover birthday cake...someone needs to help me eat it:))

  4. I think your question is one a lot of people are asking. He should have lived out his life behind bars. I am glad that he did turn his life around and go straight and all ended well.

  5. Hey Mamahen...
    It sure would seem that way. Yeah...cake for breakfast!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    I reckon we should be glad he behaved himself on the outside.
    Thanks for the visit today!

  6. What a story! I live 17 miles from Albany, TX. A very small town that boasts it is the home of Hereford cattle in the US (it's all cattle country out here) and is famous for its Fandangle pageant that is put on every year. Albany is about 40 miles east of Abilene.

  7. Hey Recycled...
    I do love the wide-open spaces around there.
    Thanks for coming by this morning!

  8. Go figure. You never know how someone will turn out in the end.

  9. At least this guy did turn his life around but man what a record and to be given parole. Just never can figure out the system.
    Had an 82 yr guy rob 2 banks here a few months back, just got out of prison for the same thing.

    Kitchen is fine with me.
