Thursday, August 15, 2019

I Must Be Really Smart...!

According to a study, day dreamers have a better chance of being smarter than the rest of us. Here are the results explained by the folks at

Frequent daydreamers are likely to be more intelligent and creative.

Studies of mental functions found that wandering minds are associated with creative thinking and more efficient brain activity. Researchers think day- dreamers can grasp concepts so quickly and easily that they can’t help getting lost in other thoughts once they understand what’s happening in their current environment.

Like I said, I must be really smart considering how much my mind wanders.

Coffee inside this morning.


  1. Hey Gorges...
    Guess we got that in common, ya reckon?
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  2. Hmm..I must be pretty smart too:))

  3. Since my mind wanders a lot I too m just be really smart. So how do they explain my forgetfulness then? Oh yay, I am old!!

  4. Hey Mamahen...
    I think many of us fall into that category.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Linda...
    Only one good thing about getting old, is that it beats the alternative!
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  5. This is so me! See My Friend everyone here is of the same mind no wonder we all come every morning for coffee.
