Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Some Strange Names For Mushrooms...!

You might not believe just how many strange names there are for certain mushrooms. I don't know who had the job of giving them all these unusual names, but it must have been quite a chore.

Turquoise Elfcup, Hairy Parachute, Cinnamon Jellybaby, Weeping Toothcrust, Witches’ Butter, Elbowpatch Crust, Hairy Nuts Disco, King Alfred’s Cakes, and Chicken of the Woods are all names of mushrooms.

You can read about plenty more names by going right here.

Coffee inside again today.


  1. Never had a clue there were so many names for them. The kitchen is good. I'll bring some blueberry muffin s to share:))

  2. I never knew there were so many names for mushrooms. My guess is a bunch of kids thought up these names. Very high humidity here again today, so kitchen sounds good. Thanks for the muffins Mamahen.

  3. Hey Mamahen...
    I do appreciate the muffins, that's for sure.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Linda...
    Who would have ever guessed that so many names were out there?
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

  4. Never hears these names before. I do know that there are many and some not so good for eating.

    Humidity still high here and triple digits again so Kitchen sounds good to me and muffins thank you Mamahen
